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WebQuests (ICT Integration)

Training Online

» Module 1 - Introduction to WebQuests
» Module 2 - WebQuests: Analysis and evaluation
» Module 3 - Creating WebQuests
» Module 4 - Handbook for managing WebQuests

Training Offline

» Module 1 - Introduction to WebQuests
» Module 2 - WebQuests: Analysis and evaluation
» Module 3 - Creating WebQuests

WebQuest Examples

These themes each include a number of small projects. Click on each theme to read more about them. Click on the project to access the lesson material. The projects have been written as WebQuests: collaborative group activities that make use of, but do not entirely depend on, Web resources. The projects are designed to be easily used by teachers and learners and should each take about five to six hours to complete.

Space Exploration (Gr 7-9)

» Introduction
» Space Race
» Space Exploration
» To Mars and Beyond

Discovery and Change (Gr 7-9)

» Introduction
» Lasting Impressions
» The Wireless School Debate
» Now Available - The Future

Our Environment (Gr 7-9)

» Introduction
» A Whale of a Problem
» Ivory Everywhere, Tusk Tusk
» Why is it Warmer (natural causes)?
» Why is it Warmer (human causes)?
» Water, Water Everywhere

Heroes and Leaders (Gr 7-9)

» Introduction
» World Heroes Hall of Fame
» A Great Book of Great Thinkers
» Local Leaders, Tomorrow's Heroes

Future Imperfect? (Gr 7-9)

» Introduction
» What Does the Future Hold?
» A Big Stumbling Block

Journalism (Gr 6-10)

» Freedom of Expression
» Censorship
» Ethical Journalists
» Being Right About Copyright

Entrepreneurship (Gr 6-11)

» Know your Market: Gender
» Know your Market: Culture
» Know your Market: Age
» Marketing Plan
» Spotlilght on Ads
» Sales Pitch

Careers (Gr 8-12)

» Career Carnival
» Job Interview

Consumerism (Gr 6-11)

» Consumer Rights - Shopping Smart
» Consumer Hot Topics
» Best Value Menus
» Where to Shop?

WebQuest Facilitator Guides

» Without Internet
» With Internet