WebQuests (ICT Integration)
The Race to Space
Space programmes have provided the world with many scientific, educational, and cultural contributions. In this project, you will examine the origins of the space programme and its contributions to society. You will then create a newspaper spotlighting the history of the space programme.
It is 1985. You are part of a respected team of journalists creating a commemorative newspaper to spotlight the glory days of space exploration. Your team will look at contributions from 1950 until 1985. Your publisher would like you to focus on the ideas learned during this important time in world history.
Your team will research the scientific and cultural contributions of the space programme. You will create a four-page newspaper complete with pictures, artwork, and graphs.
- Write a four-page newspaper with at least eight articles. These articles will highlight the origins of the space programme and discuss the contributions of the space programme. At least three of the articles should focus upon the achievements and competition between the United States and the Soviet Union in the "space race". One article should be a biography of one of the key people or heroes of the "space race".
- The newspaper should have at least four illustrations.
- Use Microsoft Word or Publisher to create a layout for your newspaper that includes columns.
- Create a name for your newspaper and be sure to give credit to all the journalists on your team.
For this assignment, you will work in teams of four and you will divide your task into roles as follows:
Your articles should each be about 300 words long. You may be required to edit and trim them once your team composes the final newspaper. Consider the suggested resources and do whatever additional research you think necessary.
By completing this activity you and your team should have gained a good insight into the significant events and contributions of the early age of space exploration, especially the race for supremacy between the two superpowers.» Download the Presentation Assessment
» http://www.history.com/topics/apollo-11
All about the space race, moon walks and the Apollo missions
» http://history.nasa.gov/moondec.html
This site has audio and text of the speech by President Kennedy that launched the U.S. space race.
» http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/space-exploration/space-shuttle-program/
This site provides students with information about the scientific contributions of each shuttle mission. This is an excellent site and it provides data in a form that is easy to understand.
» http://www.russianspaceweb.com/
This site has a chronology of Russia 's space programme. It has an excellent timeline as well as a look at the rockets. It provides a good summary of the science and technology involved in the building and launching of rockets. It also has biographies of all the cosmonauts and scientists.
» http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/sputnik/
This site will provide teachers with an excellent overview of the Sputnik programme.
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