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WebQuests (ICT Integration)

Job Interviews

A CV, short for 'curriculum vitae' which means "course of life" in Latin, should provide a positive, accurate overview of a job-seeker's experiences, qualifications, skills, interests and education. However, most employers know that a CV is just a list of your best achievements. A more important component of seeking a job is the job interview. This is where you can make a good impression with your confidence and personality.

In this activity you will work in a team to research and write the script and commentary for an exemplary job interview.


You work for a career consultancy firm. They hired you and two friends from your drama class to travel from school to school giving prospective school-leavers some sound guidelines in how to conduct oneself in a job interview. In the drama skit that you will research and write, one team member is the interviewer, the other is the job-seeker, and the third provides a commentary highlighting important characteristics of a successful interview at points in the skit when the actors freeze their action. By the end of this activity your team will conduct a dress rehearsal of your skit.


For this assignment, you will work in a team of three and will play the following roles:
You will research the characteristics of a successful job interview with your team. When you write the script you will focus on the questions that the interviewer would typically ask. When you enact the interview you will play the role of the interviewer.
Interviewee (job seeker)
You will research the characteristics of a successful job interview with your team. When you write the script you will focus on the way in which the job seeker will act and the responses that she/he will give. When you enact the interview you will play the role of the job seeker.
You will research the characteristics of a successful job interview with your team. When you write the script you will focus on the characteristics that you would like to illustrate in the skit. You will write the commentary. When you enact the interview you will play the role of the commentator.


» http://www.quintcareers.com/informational_interviewing.html
Quintessential Careers: Informational Interviewing Tutorial

» https://www.career.vt.edu/Interviewing/DosDonts.html
Interview Do's and Don'ts

» http://jobsearch.about.com/od/interviewsnetworking/a/interviewguide.htm
Guide to Interviewing


Not only have you developed the script of an exemplary job interview, but you have acted out and experienced the actual interview. May this be a valuable experience for you as you apply for jobs in the future.

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