WebQuests (ICT Integration)
Job Interviews
A CV, short for 'curriculum vitae' which means "course of life" in Latin, should provide a positive, accurate overview of a job-seeker's experiences, qualifications, skills, interests and education. However, most employers know that a CV is just a list of your best achievements. A more important component of seeking a job is the job interview. This is where you can make a good impression with your confidence and personality.
In this activity you will work in a team to research and write the script and commentary for an exemplary job interview.
You work for a career consultancy firm. They hired you and two friends from your drama class to travel from school to school giving prospective school-leavers some sound guidelines in how to conduct oneself in a job interview. In the drama skit that you will research and write, one team member is the interviewer, the other is the job-seeker, and the third provides a commentary highlighting important characteristics of a successful interview at points in the skit when the actors freeze their action. By the end of this activity your team will conduct a dress rehearsal of your skit.
For this assignment, you will work in a team of three and will play the following roles:Resource
» http://www.quintcareers.com/informational_interviewing.htmlQuintessential Careers: Informational Interviewing Tutorial
» https://www.career.vt.edu/Interviewing/DosDonts.html
Interview Do's and Don'ts
» http://jobsearch.about.com/od/interviewsnetworking/a/interviewguide.htm
Guide to Interviewing
Not only have you developed the script of an exemplary job interview, but you have acted out and experienced the actual interview. May this be a valuable experience for you as you apply for jobs in the future.» Download the Presentation Assessment