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WebQuests (ICT Integration)

Water, Water, Everywhere

South Africa is generally a dry country and we often experience shortages of water. Our economy is driven by mining and agriculture, both of which require large amounts of water. One of our neighbours is the mountain kingdom of Lesotho - a country rich in water because of the snow that falls on the mountains. South Africa and Lesotho created the Lesotho Highlands Water Project (LHWP) in order for South Africa to gain more water and for Lesotho to gain much needed foreign currency.

Now there are claims that the project had a negative impact in the Lesotho environment and Sotho culture. There are rumours that some elements in Lesotho may file a damages claim with the International Court of Justice in the Hague.


The South African Department of Foreign Affairs has commissioned you to do an impact study on the Lesotho Highlands Water Project and to conclude whether or not there is a case for a damages claim. Your decision should be backed up by evidence. You will work in a team and create a presentation that demonstrates your conclusions based on your research.


You will complete the following tasks:
  1. Research brief background information about the culture and environment of north-western Lesotho.
  2. Research particular areas of the LHWP in order to learn more about the impact of the project on Lesotho.
  3. Create a presentation that presents your findings and offers your team's assessment of and final conclusion regarding the impact of the LHWP.
For this assignment, you will work in teams of four and you will divide your task into roles as follows (click on each role for more information):

Describe the impact on the environment of large engineering projects such as dams. Use case studies from other similar projects and the research the PHWP to see if similar impacts have been felt in Lesotho.

» http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/msid-19261688,prtpage-1.cms
Dams as environmental saviours - an article on how dams can be of use in India to curb flooding

» http://www.ecologyasia.com/news-archives/2003/mar-03/bangkokpost_030310_1.htm
Rising waters, deeper problems - an article on the consequences of man's interference with nature in South East Asia

» http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12947571
Man-made lakes, ecological studies and conservation needs in Nigeria - an article on the pros and cons of man-made lakes in third world countries
Concerned Citizen
Because of your repeated letters to the press you have been invited to join this inquiry. It is your task to bring as many of the transgressions against the citizens of Lesotho to the teams final discussion. You should develop a few classic case studies to ensure that the emotional trauma has been properly expressed.

» http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0301479708002697
Information on the villages to be submerged in the next phases of the LHWP

» http://www.ipocafrica.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=71&Itemid=66
Information on corruption issues around the LHWP
Your task is to research the positive and negative environmental impact made by the projects. Has Lesotho's conservation efforts been enhanced or affected detrimentally?

» http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0301479708002697
Information on the villages to be submerged in the next phases of the LHWP

» http://www.ipocafrica.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=71&Itemid=66
Information on corruption issues around the LHWP
Your task is to research the economical impact of the dams to both countries to the communities living around the dams.

» http://www.southafrica.info/doing_business/economy/infrastructure/sa-lesothowaterproject.htm
Introductory article on Lesotho Highlands Water Project


» http://www.southafrica.info/doing_business/economy/infrastructure/sa-lesothowaterproject.htm
Introductory article on Lesotho Highlands Water Project

» http://geography.about.com/library/cia/blclesotho.htm
A Web site with data on Lesotho and a map

» http://www.thewaterpage.com/drought_crisis_2002.htm
A site with weather figures that also discusses drought and famine in Southern Africa

» http://www.ecologyasia.com/news-archives/2003/mar-03/bangkokpost_030310_1.htm
Rising waters, deeper problems - an article on the consequences of man's interference with nature in South East Asia

» http://www.scielo.sa.cr/scielo.php?pid=S0034-77442002000300005&script=sci_arttext&tlng=en
Man-made lakes, ecological studies and conservation needs in Nigeria - an article on the pros and cons of man-made lakes in third world countries


By completing this activity you and your team should have gained a good insight into the significance of one of the largest engineering projects this regions has seen. Does everyone benefit from such projects? Are the complaints justified? Has life improved or not?

» Download the Presentation Assessment

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