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WebQuests (ICT Integration)

Consumer Hot Topics

As consumers we are often not aware of the issues that lie behind the production of a product. Some have enjoyed high profiles. An example of this would be the use of animals in testing cosmetic products. However, there are many more issues that consumers should be made aware of for moral (child labour), health (MSG, food colourants), environmental (CFCs, recycling) and ethical (music piracy) reasons , to name but a few.


The National Consumer Forum has given a desktop publishing company run by you and your friends the the opportunity to submit designs for a series of brochures on consumer awareness of controversial consumer related issues. Since this is part of an ongoing education programme you have the opportunity to choose from the following list:

1. child labour
2. ozone friendly products
3. software and/or music piracy
4. food additives
5. wasting natural resources
6. use of animals for testing
7. email spam


You should produce four brochures for your submission. You may have more than one brochure on one issue. Your campaign should have a clear, identifiable theme and the brochures should be factually correct in highlighting and addressing the issue. Each brochure should give a clear message to the consumer.

For this assignment, you will work in teams of four and you will divide your task into roles as follows (click on each role for more information):

Consumer researcher 1
As a team you should discuss and select the subjects of your four brochures. Your team will allocate specific research tasks to you.

Your task is to thoroughly research the consumer issues that your team has allocated to you. You will need to inform your team of the main ideas involving each issue and the advice that consumers should receive. Be prepared to explain and discuss the issue with your team. Assist the copywriter with the brochure contents. Ensure that the content is accurate.
Consumer researcher 2
As a team you should discuss and select the subjects of your four brochures. Your team will allocate specific research tasks to you.

Your task is to thoroughly research the consumer issues that your team has allocated to you. You will need to inform your team of the main ideas involving each issue and the advice that consumers should receive. Be prepared to explain and discuss the issue with your team. Assist the copywriter with the brochure contents. Ensure that the content is accurate.
Graphic Artist
As a team you should discuss and select the subjects of your four brochures. Your team will allocate specific research tasks to you.

Although you may be given smaller research tasks, your main responsibility is to design a consistent look and feel for the brochures, ensuring that each is easily idenitifable as a part of the other. Look for images or create composite images to support the brochure content. The message of each image should be as clear as the message of the brochure as a whole. It is your job to communicate graphically.
As a team you should discuss and select the subjects of your four brochures. Your team will allocate specific research tasks to you.

Although you may receive small research tasks, you main responsiblity is to convert researched information into concise text that communicates the issue and your message to the readers of the brochures. You will discuss the issues with your researchers and draft the content of the brochures. You must identify your needs for supporting graphics with your graphic artist.


» http://desktoppub.tqn.com/msub16.htm
Desktop Publishing Guidelines

» http://desktoppub.tqn.com/msub04.htm

» http://desktoppub.tqn.com/msubcolr_select.htm
Colour meaning and chosing colours

» http://people.senecac.on.ca/kerry.jarvis/535week12.htm
Top 10 Brochure Blunders


The best way to learn is to teach. You should have learnt a great deal about a few consumer-related issues by producing this series of brochures. If you are fully supportive of the issues that you have exposed, this will affect the decisions you make when you next consider buying products which may be questionable.

» Download the Presentation Assessment

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