WebQuests (ICT Integration)
Sales Pitch
What would convince you to buy these cherries?
If you are selling something the chances are that no one is just itching to buy your product. Worse still, they do not really want to spend a long time listening to your speech on how great your product is. So what is the solution? Ask for one minute of their time- that's right - one minute. If you can convince them in one minute you more than likely have secured a sale.
Your company has been given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to promote its teen product on national television. The challenge is that you only have one minute in which to do so. After one-minute you will be cut off.
You will work in team of four to plan and deliver a one-minute sales pitch. In that time you have only one objective: to convince the audience to buy your product. You will deliver your sales pitch orally and you can use any support resources you require. If you have the facilities, produce the sales pitch on a video.For this assignment, you will work in teams of four and you will divide your task into roles as follows (click on each role for more information):
Marketing Director
As marketing director you must know your product well and support the other vitally important team members in developing and presenting a one-minute sales pitch.
Creative Director
You are a person with creative ideas - advertising, drama and film would be some of your interests. You will take responsibility for directing the process of designing and presenting the sales pitch. You will direct the oral presentation at practices and choreograph the entire event so that it runs smoothly.
You are the team member who is best with oral presentations and acting. You will be the presenter of the sales pitch and you will need to know the script very well. Give your ideas and support throughout the process so that you are well-acquainted with the product by the time it comes to practicing and presenting the sales pitch.
You are the best writer in the team - you are good with words. You will be responsible for writing the words that will be the script for the sales pitch. Of course you will rely on ideas and support from your team.
» http://www.effectivemeetings.com/presenting/delivery/sales.aspDelivering an Effective Sales Pitch
» http://www.wikihow.com/Deliver-a-Good-Sales-Pitch
How to Deliver a Good Sales Pitch
» https://www.purchase.edu/sharedmedia/careerdevelopment/one%20minute%20commercial%20fo%20job%20fair.pdf
One-Minute Commercial/Elevator Speech
» http://www.wonderbranding.com/2009/09/how-to-write-effective-radio-ads-when-marketing-to-women/
How To Write Effective Radio Ads When Marketing To Women
You have responded to the challenge of delivering a focused and effective, short and powerful sales pitch. Hopefully you have also learnt a lot about the use of words, commitment to a team objective, and that learning can be fun.» Download the Presentation Assessment
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