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WebQuests (ICT Integration)

Now Available - The Future

This project allows you to learn about the latest innovations from the minds of young scientists around the world by investigating the technologies developed in a major international science fair. You will choose an invention presented at the science fair, identify the problem the young scientist investigated, evaluate any tools developed to help in the research, and then predict how the solution, product, or tool created by the science fair winner will impact human lives now and in the future.


You and your team are part of an advertising company chosen to promote a young scientist's invention to the general public. You'll select the invention and young scientist from a list of winners of a major international science fair. You must research the new invention to find out how it fills a need and how it benefits society. Also think about how the invention will help society in the future.


When you have chosen an inventor and invention and completed your research, you will work together in teams of three to complete the following tasks:

1. Write and then storyboard your ideas for a commercial to promote the benefits of the invention you have selected.
2. Create a commercial using PowerPoint.
3. Design an advertising flyer for the invention using Microsoft Word.

For this assignment, you will work in teams of three and you will divide your task into roles as follows

Forecast Analyst
It is your job to determine how the invention developed by the young scientist will be used for tomorrow's consumer.
1. Review the young scientist's project description at http://www.intel.com/education/isef/highlights.htm
2. Think about all the possibilities of use for the tool created and how it can help society in the future.
3. Create an Mind Map (graphic organiser), like the one below, to detail the possibilities of the tool that will be three to four paragraphs in length.
4. Write your possibilities in paragraph form.
Research Analyst
It is your job to find out more about the problem the young scientist was trying to solve.
1. Review the young scientist's project description at http://www.intel.com/education/isef/2003_projects.htm .
2. Use the Internet and a search engine to find other information about the problem the young person was investigating. You will need to take notes on what you find out.
3. Review your notes and create an Inspiration Map (graphic organiser), like the one below, to plan a description of the problem that will be three to four paragraphs in length.
4. Write your description in paragraph form.
Project Analyst
It is your job to analyse the young scientist's investigation and describe each step in the process.
1. Review the young scientist's project description at http://www.intel.com/education/isef/2003_projects.htm
2. Using the description given, take notes and describe what was done in each step of the experiment.
3. Create an Inspiration Map (graphic organiser), like the one below, to plan a description of the steps in the investigation that is three to four paragraphs in length.
4. Write your description in paragraph form.

Cite your resource using the Citation Machine at: http://citationmachine.net/


» Storyboard Worksheet


By completing this activity you and your team have gained some insight into the some of the top science project work by learners in the world. You will also have had the opportunity to be creative and have a glimpse of the world of advertising. In order to fully understand your product you will have researched a scientific invention more deeply. This will have given you the oppotunity to look to the future.

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