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WebQuests (ICT Integration)

Module 1 - Introduction to WebQuests (With Internet)

2 hours 10 min

Welcome to this WebQuests training module. This is the liftoff of your teaching experience in using WebQuests. You will experience the power of collaborative learning as well as gain an understanding of WebQuests.

In this workshop you will collaborate with a group of four to find out and learn exactly what a WebQuest is. Jigsaw group collaboration is a useful way of achieving multiple outcomes in a group as you work towards a common outcome - understanding what a WebQuest is all about. This is a classroom group strategy that you may like to use when you conduct WebQuests in your classroom.

By the end of this task you could achieve the following outcomes:

  • Participate in a jigsaw format of group collaboration.
  • Identify the main elements of a WebQuest.
  • Recognise the value of a WebQuest.
  • Find useful WebQuests.

Workshop question:
Can WebQuests engage learners in higher levels of thinking?

  Description Resources
1 Orientation (15 min)
  • During this time you will be placed in groups of four and given your instructions.
  • Your group task for this workshop will be to complete the presentation template and make the presentation, which has specific instructions in terms of content.
  • Meet as a group and briefly view the instructions in the presentation template. You will revisit these in the next activity.
» Download the group presentation template
2 Collaborative research (45 min)
  • Allocate each group member a different number ranging from 1 to 4.
  • Each group member should read his/her instructions by clicking on the link in the resource column.
  • Briefly discuss how each member's research will contribute to the presentation.
  • Use the resources linked from each instruction to conduct research. Your facilitator will regroup the workshop so that all group members with the same number conduct research together.
» View the tasks for each group member
3 Collaborative presentation (50 min)
  • Regroup in your original groups of four.
  • Use the knowledge that you gained in your breakaway groups to complete your presentation.
4 Presentations - final (20 min)

You will present your presentations to the whole group under the guidance of your facilitator.

Continue Training

» Module 1 - Introduction to WebQuests
» Module 2 - WebQuests: Analysis and evaluation
» Module 3 - Creating WebQuests
» Module 4 - Handbook for managing WebQuests

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