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WebQuest Facilitator Guides

With Internet

Course Outline

This course does not require Internet access and consists of three modules. The participants spend a lot of time in designing their own WebQuest from scratch.

» Go to module 1
» Go to module 2
» Go to module 3
» Go to module 4

Day 1
09:00 - 10:10 Module 1: Introduction to WebQuests
10:10 - 10:30 TEA
10:30 - 11:30 Module 1: Introduction to WebQuests (continued)
11:30 - 13:00 Module 2: Analysis and Evaluation
13:00 - 13:45 LUNCH
13:45 - 14:15 Module 2: Analysis and Evaluation (continued)
14:15 - 16:00 Module 3: Adapting and Using WebQuests
Day 2
09:00 - 10:10 Module 3: Adapting and Using WebQuests (continued)
10:10 - 10:30 TEA
10:30 - 13:00 Module 4: Handbook for Managing WebQuests
13:00 - 13:45 LUNCH
13:45 - 14:15 Module 4: Handbook for Managing WebQuests (continued)
14:15 – 15:30 Showcase

Module 1 - Introduction to WebQuests

2 hours 10 min

In this module you will be introducing the concept of the WebQuest to the teachers. The format of the module will be collaborative, with the teachers collaborating within and across groups. This is one of the main group structures of a WebQuest, but at this stage you will not mention that. The main purpose of this module, other than to introduce WebQuests, is to have teachers experience the power of group collaboration.

Preparing to teach

  • Ensure that the venue is prepared, that all computers are functional and that a data projector is available.
  • Ensure that the group presentation template is accessible.
  • Ensure that there is Internet access.
  • Ensure that Microsoft PowerPoint is installed.
  • Ensure that the participants have a storage space allocated on the workstation or desktop.
  • Ensure that the participants will be able to print.
  • Ensure that you have name tags/ tents for each participant.
  • Have a copy of the CD and print materials available for each participant.
  • Decide how you will group the participants into groups of four.
  Description Resources
1 Orientation (15 min)
  • Place the participants in groups of four (labelled A,B,C and D) and give them the following instructions:
    • Their group task for this module will be to complete the presentation template and make the presentation, which has specific instructions in terms of content.
    • Their task is to meet as a group and briefly view the instructions in the presentation template. They will revisit these in the next activity.
  • NOTE: Do not introduce WebQuests or even mention that this collaborative method is characteristic of WebQuests. After a brief welcome and introduction, go straight to this activity and have the teachers actively involved as soon as possible. In your introduction tell them that this will be a collaborative module in which they learn about WebQuests.
» Download the group presentation template
2 Collaborative research (45 min)
  • The group should meet and allocate each group member a number ranging from 1 to 4.
  • Each group member should read his/her instructions by clicking on the link in the resource column.
  • The groups should briefly discuss how each member's research will contribute to the presentation.
  • They should use the resources linked from each instruction to conduct research.
  • After about 10 minutes of this preparation, regroup the participants so that all the #1s are together, #2s are together and so on.
  • The groups are now organised so that all group members have a common task. They should now discuss their information needs and delegate individuals to find answers to specific questions. As facilitator you should ensure that this process takes place. These groups must find all the answers to their questions.
3 Collaborative presentation (50 min)
  • After 45 minutes you should regroup the participants in their original groups of four.
  • They should use the knowledge that they gained in their breakaway groups to complete their presentation.
4 Presentations - final (20 min)

Participants will present their presentations to the whole group under your guidance.
  • Allow 5 minutes per presentation.
  • after the brief presentations discuss what they felt about the process
  • what did they feel were the strengths and weaknesses of the exercise?
5 Community of WebQuest practitioners

Encourage the participants to join the community of WebQuest practitioners online and participate in the discussion.
» Go to the Partners in Learning Network

» Go to module 1
» Go to module 3
» Go to module 4

Module 2 - Analysis and evaluation

2 hours

In this module the participants will experience a WebQuest. The entire module is structured as a WebQuest. The participants will be learning about how to identify the good and bad qualities of a WebQuest.

Preparing to teach

  • Ensure that the venue is prepared, that all computers are functional and that a data projector is available.
  • Ensure that the WebQuest links are accessible.
  • Ensure that there is Internet access.
  • Ensure that the participants have a storage space allocated on the workstation or desktop.
  • Ensure that the participants will be able to print.
  • Ensure that you have name tags/ tents for each participant.
  • Have a copy of the CD and print materials available for each participant.
  • Decide how you will group the participants into groups of four.
  Description Resources
1 Orientation (15 min)
  • The participants start as a whole group.
  • Ask them about their current knowledge of WebQuests ( as a recap from the previous module)
    • what are the most important ideas about a WebQuest?
    • what would they expect to gain from participating in a WebQuest?
    • do they know the difference between a good and a bad WebQuest?
2 Collaborative analysis (90 min)
  • Place the participants in groups of four.
  • Allocate each group member a different role as described in the WebQuest.
  • Give the participants instructions to participate in the WebQuest.
  • They should direct themselves but you should circulate and facilitate the groups, ensuring that they have direction and that group social skills are being developed.
  • If you have more time you may like to consider doing the jigsaw grouping again by regrouping all the altitudinists together etc. for a few minutes to compare notes.
  • Coordinate the cross group collaboration (jigsaw) as you did in the first module.
  • After a period of time decided by you, you should tell them to return to their original groups and reach consensus in their original group in finding the best two webquests and the worst two.
3 Conclusion (15 min)
  • Regroup as a class.
  • Discuss their experience of working with a WebQuest.
    • were they engaged by the activity?
    • how did they function as a collaborative group?
    • did they learn more about WebQuests?
    • what makes a good WebQuest?
    • do they have ideas about how they can use this learning model in their class?
    • did they gain what they expected to gain from participating in a WebQuest?
4 Community of WebQuest practitioners

Encourage the participants to join the community of WebQuest practitioners online and participate in the discussion.
» Go to the Partners in Learning Network

» Go to module 1
» Go to module 2
» Go to module 4

Module 3 - Adapting and using WebQuests

3 hours 15 min

In this module the participants will learn how to critically analyse WebQuests with a view to adapting and improving them for their own use.

WebQuests that they find may be good, but they are never quite good enough until they meet all the teacher's requirements. The constant cross-pollination of ideas between one teacher and the next means that they can constantly enhance the resources which support their learners.

Preparing to teach

  • Ensure that the venue is prepared, that all computers are functional and that a data projector is available.
  • Ensure that the links to the resources are accessible.
  • Ensure that there is Internet access.
  • Ensure that Microsoft Front Page or similar software is installed.
  • Ensure that the participants have a storage space allocated on the workstation or desktop.
  • Ensure that the participants will be able to print.
  • Ensure that you have name tags/ tents for each participant.
  • Have a copy of the CD and print materials available for each participant.
  • Decide how you will group the participants into groups of four.
  Description Resources
1 Orientation (10 min)
  • Meet as class.
  • Facilitate a short discussion on the participants' current knowledge about WebQuests
    • what are the most important elements of learning in a WebQuest?
2 Finding a WebQuest (25 min)
  • Participants should work on their own and find a WebQuest that they would be interested in adapting for use in their class.
  • They will be referring to this WebQuest throughout this module.
3 Task (25 min)
  • Participants meet in pairs.
  • They should read the "taskonomy" and view the online examples.
  • Each participant should identify which type of task their WebQuest of choice uses.
  • They should discuss how they could use this knowledge to adapt the WebQuest that they would like to use.
4 Process (15 min)
  • Participants meet in different pairs.
  • They should read the process checklist and view the online examples.
  • They should then discuss how they could use this knowledge to adapt the WebQuest that they would like to use.
5 Adapting WebQuests (120 min)
  • In this activity the participants will work on their own but in close support of colleagues. If they have a colleague working on the same WebQuest they could work in pairs.
  • Using the notes that they made in the previous activities, they should adapt the WebQuest to suit their needs.
    • The way in which the participants go about this task will depend on their previous ICT experience.
    • It is risky to save and edit a complete website because their are often hidden code issues that cause a number of difficulties.
    • A simple way to conduct this would be to revert to a shape and fade routine (demonstrating skills each step of the way). There is a tip sheet linked from the resources column.
    • Participants with higher levels of confidence can be allowed to work on their own while you demonstrate to less confident participants.
  • Finally, they should assess each others' final product.
    • Depending on the group size you can do this as a showcase event or they could share their work in smaller groups. Have each observer evaluate the WebQuest by
      1. Writing one thing that they like
      2. Writing one thing that they think would improve the WebQuest.
» Download the WebQuest Word template
5 Community of WebQuest practitioners

Encourage the participants to join the community of WebQuest practitioners online and participate in the discussion.
» Go to the Partners in Learning Network

» Go to module 1
» Go to module 2
» Go to module 3

Module 4 - Handbook for managing WebQuests

2 hours 30 min

In this module the participants will once again participate in a WebQuest. This time they will be focusing on the classroom management issues related to conducting WebQuests.

Preparing to teach

  • Ensure that the venue is prepared, that all computers are functional and that a data projector is available.
  • Ensure that the WebQuest links are accessible.
  • Ensure that there is Internet access.
  • Ensure that the participants have a storage space allocated on the workstation or desktop.
  • Ensure that the participants will be able to print.
  • Ensure that you have name tags/ tents for each participant.
  • Have a copy of the CD and print materials available for each participant.
  • Decide how you will group the participants into groups of four.
  Description Resources
1 Orientation (15 min)
  • Participants meet as class.
  • Facilitate a discussion on their current knowledge about managing WebQuests
    • what are likely pitfalls in running a WebQuest session in the classroom?
    • what should teachers know about managing WebQuests?
2 Collaborative group work (120 min)
  • Place the participants in groups of four.
  • Allocate each group member a different role as described in the WebQuest.
  • Instruct them to participate in the WebQuest.
  • They should direct themselves but you should circulate and facilitate the groups, ensuring that they have direction and that group social skills are being developed.
  • Coordinate the cross group collaboration (jigsaw) as you did in the previous modules (module 1 and 2).
  • At half way you should tell them to return to their original groups.
3 Conclusion (15 min)
  • Regroup as a class.
  • Facilitate a discussion in which you discuss their experience of working with a WebQuest.
    • were they engaged by the activity?
    • how did they function as a collaborative group?
    • did they learn more about managing WebQuests in the classroom?

» Go to module 1
» Go to module 2
» Go to module 3
» Go to module 4

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