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WebQuests (ICT Integration)

A Big Stumbling Block

HIV / AIDS has huge implications for Southern Africa and it is currently one of the biggest stumbling blocks that stands in the way of our brighter future.

What is the truth about the potential impact of HIV and AIDS in South Africa? How can you make a personal difference in this pandemic?


As part of the ongoing campaign for HIV/AIDS awareness and the call for strategies to counter its impact the Institute for Futures Research has put together a task force to investigate the impact of HIV and AIDS on the future of South Africa. You are part of this team and it is your responsibility to help present the campaign in way that is accessible to the general public. Your team is to present five brochures under the general title: HIV/AIDS: Will we stumble or tumble?


The brochures will each deal with one theme of the future impact of HIV/AIDS. The themes are:
  • society
  • education
  • health care
  • labour force
  • financee
You are expected to:
  1. Investigate a variety of recent reports and articles on HIV and AIDS.
  2. Develop an understanding of what these reports suggest for South Africa’s future.
  3. Develop and write a brochure, focusing on your specific theme, in which you:
    • inform the public of the future impact of HIV and AIDS on South Africa;
    • come to a conclusion about the seriousness of the threat;
    • suggest one main idea for how every South African could make a personal difference in the focus area of your brochure.
For this assignment, you will work in teams of five and you will divide your task into roles as follows (click on each role for more information):

Social Worker
Your task is to research the impact of HIV/AIDS from the social perspective. What will be the impact on children? Will there be a large number of orphaned children? What is the significance of being orphaned, socially? Will that child be able to operate normally in society in future? How do families cope with the trauma of loss? Will people be willing to accept those people with HIV/AIDS into society? Can people with HIV/AIDS live normal lives?

Finally, what can each individual do to overcome the disadvantages and make a difference in a social way?
Educational Expert
Your task is to research the impact of HIV/AIDS from the educational perspective. How many teachers are we losing annually to HIV/AIDS? What does this mean for the future of education? What will be the impact on children in school? Is there a problem at universities and is the number of university students graduating annually sufficient to grow the economy? Will there be sufficient students entering universities in the coming years?

On the other hand, is our education system doing enough to educate learners about HIV/AIDS?

Finally, what can each individual do to overcome disadvantages and make a difference in supporting education about HIV/AIDS.
Health Care Worker
Your task is to research the impact of HIV/AIDS from the health care perspective. Are health care workers at risk? Are we losing substantial numbers of health care workers annually? Can the health care system support the pandemic in this country? What are the main issues about treating HIV/AIDS? What are the main elements in treating HIV/AIDS?

Finally, what can each individual do to overcome the disadvantages and make a difference in a health-related way.
Labour Consultant
Your task is to research the impact of HIV/AIDS from the labour perspective. How many workers are we losing annually to HIV/AIDS? What does this mean for the future of the economy? In what sectors are we losing workers? If we have mass unemployment, is there a threat of losing a labour force through HIV/AIDS? Is it fair for employers to screen employees for HIV/AIDS? Are workers with HIV/AIDS being discriminated against?

Finally, what can each individual do to overcome the disadvantages of HIV/AIDS and make a difference in the work force?
Financial Expert
Your task is to research the impact of HIV/AIDS from the financial perspective. What is the cost of HIV/AIDS to the economy in real terms (cost of managing the pandemic)? What are the hidden costs? How will the economy of South Africa be able to function in 5 - 10 years time? What financial burdens will increase and to what extent?

Finally, what can each individual do to overcome the disadvantages of HIV/AIDS and make a difference in the economy?


» http://www.unaids.org/en/
The AIDS in Africa Scenarios project aims to develop Africa-wide scenarios focusing on the impact of and response to the AIDS epidemic.

» http://hivinsite.ucsf.edu/global?page=cr09-sf-00
The HIV InSite Web Site which provides data and statistics for HIV and AIDS in Africa as well as links to a wide variety of articles and reports on HIV and AIDS and its current impact as well as its potential impact on the future.

» http://www.redribbon.co.za/
This page details the chronology of HIV and AIDS in South Africa.

» http://www.sarpn.org.za/documents/d0000231/index.php
An article entitled, “HIV/AIDS and Africa’s Future”.

» http://www.cnn.com/search/?query=HIV+AIDS&x=-1109&y=-31&primaryType=mixed&sortBy=relevance&intl=false
An article entitled, “AIDS leaves Africa's economic future in doubt”.

» http://www.kidzpositive.org/
A site that supports kids living with HIV and AIDS.


By completing this activity you and your team should have gained a good insight into the HIV/AIDS pandemic and what it holds for the future? Do you think that it is something that we can plan for and overcome? Is our future still bright?

» Download the Presentation Assessment

Related Scenarios

» What Does the Future Hold?

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