Colours of our World |
Penguins |
Tastes of Morning |
Global Temperature Project |
This is our Town |
We have gone to Rio de Janeiro with the team from Western Australia as our submarine has been damaged. |
Our latitude is 33.9 deg S, our longitude
is 18.5 deg W.
The sun was in the southern hemisphere
when we took the measurements.
The mean temperature for the week was
22 deg C.
The averge daylight was 849 minutes.
Latitude vs Daylight (Minutes):
The two schools with the most daylight
are both in Australia, one at 33 deg S and the other at 35 deg S.
This graph was in the shape of a curve,
the nearer the schools were to the North Pole the less daylight minutes
they had and further south there were more daylight minutes.
Three schools did not fit the pattern.
We don't know why.
Latitude vs Temperature (Centigrade):
The hottest temperature was at a school
in Australia, (33deg C). It was coldest at a school in Sweden (- 6.4 deg
C) and Anchorage, Alaska (-6 deg C) There wasn't a strong pattern to this
graph. It was colder for those living nearer the North Pole and hotter
nearer the equator.
This report was written jointly by the girls in Grade 5
'This is Our Town ' is an international
project that attempts to uncover the culture and joys of towns all around
the world. Our girls made web pages to tell what they enjoy doing in Cape
My Western Cape
Van Hunks and
the Devil Amy Docking
Local Myths
and Legends Natasha
Cape Town
through My Eyes Genevieve
Myths and Legends
Cape Floral
Kingdom Claire
The Waterfront
and Cape Town Baylee
Sports Aneesa
Table Mountain
and Penguins Kate
Roller Blading
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