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Ladakh himalayas

General Info

 · Villages

 · Valleys and plateaus
     Dras Valley
      · Dras
    · Suru Valley
      · Kargil
    · Nubra Valley
      · People
      · Siser La
      · Tulimpati La
    · Shyok Valley
      · Murgo
      · Burtsa
      · Daulat beg Oldi
      · Digar La
      · Karakoram Pass
      · Khardong La
    · Indus Valley
    · Chanthang Plateau
      · Rupshu
    · Salt Lake Valley
    · Puga Valley

 · Lakes
 · Passes
 · Glaciers
 · Rivers

 · People
 · Religion
 · Fairs and festivals
 · Other places of interest

The Himalayas - where earth meets sky
Indian Himalayas - Ladakh

The Dras Valley
The Dras Valley is an enchanting valley formed by the DrasRiver which rises in the Machoi glacier near the famous ZozilaPass. The river is joined in its course by many other riversand streams flowing in from snowfields in the nearby mountains.

The river Shigar flowing in from the north drains an adjoiningpart of the Dras Valley. In summer, as the snow in the uplandsmelts, the volume of this river rises considerably. It meetsthe Suru River near Kharul a short distance away from Kargil.The terrain is characterised by rock and stone with theoccasional greenish patch formed by willow and groves.

Icy Ladakh. Credit: Karamjeet Singh
Icy Ladakh
Credit: Karamjeet Singh
There is a short summer season in the Dras Valley. It begins inMay, when the snows begin to melt. Crop sowing activities startlate, while harvesting is done early so that the crops arebrought in before the beginning of snowfall.

Barley and other coarse cereals are the main crops grown inthis valley. Agricultural production is hampered due to thepoor and unproductive soil and the short growing season.Moreover, there is a lack of irrigation facilities in manyparts of the Dras Valley.

As a result, agricultural yields are not enough to meet theneeds of the people living in this valley. Food grains have tobe imported from the Kashmir Valley. Fuel too is a scarcecommodity and has to be brought in from across the Zozila Pass.

Brokma girl in traditional head dress. Credit: Discover India
Brokma girl in traditional head dress.
Credit: Discover India
Brokpas are the people living in the Dras Valley. They probablymigrated to this tract from Gilgit several centuries ago.

The town of Dras is located in a relatively flat and openspace. It has extensive willow groves along the river. Insummer this town presents a pleasant look while in winter it iscovered under a thick blanket of snow. Dras experiences thelowest temperatures in the valley and with its altitude of3,300 m, this town is said to be the second coldest inhabitedplace in Asia. The mercury may drop to as low as 40 degreesCelcius below freezing point. Often the small huts are coveredby snow and communication with the outside world is cut off.

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