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Ladakh himalayas

General Info

 · Villages

 · Valleys and plateaus
    · Dras Valley
      · Dras
     Suru Valley
      · Kargil
    · Nubra Valley
      · People
      · Siser La
      · Tulimpati La
    · Shyok Valley
      · Murgo
      · Burtsa
      · Daulat beg Oldi
      · Digar La
      · Karakoram Pass
      · Khardong La
    · Indus Valley
    · Chanthang Plateau
      · Rupshu
    · Salt Lake Valley
    · Puga Valley

 · Lakes
 · Passes
 · Glaciers
 · Rivers

 · People
 · Religion
 · Fairs and festivals
 · Other places of interest

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Indian Himalayas - Ladakh

The Suru Valley
The Suru Valley is formed by the catchment are of the SuruRiver, which rises from the Panzella glacier. On its way to theconfluence with the Indus River at Nurla it is joined bynumerous tributaries, including the Dras River which flows intothe Suru River at Kharul.

The general topography is as rugged and mountainous as most ofLadakh. However, the Suru Valley is relatively more fertile. Itextends from the Panzella glacier to south of Kargil town,where the Suru River merges with the Botkul River rising fromthe Botkul glacier.

Spring will bring color to the valleys of Ladakh. Credit: Discover India magazine
Spring will bring color to the valleys of Ladakh.
Credit: Discover India magazine
The average elevation of the Suru valley is 3,000 m. Wintersare very severe and heavy and frequent snowfalls occur, thoughthe Suru Valley does not become as inhospitable as the DrasValley. The cold season begins around mid-November and usuallycontinues till May. During this period, most of the valley iscovered with a thick layer of snow.

As the snow melts, the water becomes muddy, often attaining adarkish hue which is quite a contrast with its normal bluish-green shade. The color becomes normal in early September whenthe melting of the snow in the uplands slows down considerably.The summer season begins in May and it becomes warm fairlyquickly. Vegetation growth picks up rapidly. The summer seasonlasts relatively longer than in other parts of Ladakh.

Agriculture is the main source of livelihood for the people ofthis valley. In many parts of the Suru Valley, two crops can beharvested each year whereas in many parts of Ladakh raisingeven one crop a year may not always be possible when summerstarts late or there is early snowfall.

The main crops raised by the people of Suru Valley are wheat,barley and millets. Improved varieties of wheat have recentlybeen introduced. This has helped to increase the production ofcereals. Some of the vegetables grown here are turnip, radish,peas and black peas. Grapes, apricots and melons are producedin fairly large quantities at Darchik and Garkoon along thelower course of the Indus through Ladakh. These find a readymarket in Kargil. Liquor is made from grapes.

The summer season begins to end in mid-September as the sun'swarmth decreases. The autumn season is short and the hours ofsunlight become shorter. As the sun goes down below thesurrounding high hills, it seems as if mid-afternoon has turnedinto dusk. Winter is severe and snowfall is frequent. Thetemperatures quickly drop down to below freezing point.

Balti herdsman with his flock at Kargil. Credit: Karamjeet Singh
Balti herdsman with his flock at Kargil.
Credit: Karamjeet Singh
The people living in the Suru Valley are the Baltis. They are amixture of the Dards from Dardistan and the Mongoloids fromTibet.

Kargil is the most important town in the Suru Valley. It is theheadquarters of Kargil District and has the most modernamenities, although not of the level of those found in theplains of India. There are a number of other settlements ofsignificant size in the Suru Valley. Kargil is a fairly busytown servicing the villages of the surrounding region. Theimportant Srinagar-Leh road passes through Kargil.

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