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Kashmir himalayas

General Info
    · Lakes and Waterways
    · Dal and Nagin lakes
 · Mughal Gardens
 · Shankaracharya Hill
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    · Pahalgam and Amarnath
      · Photos of Amarnath trek
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    · Sonmarg

Arts and Crafts
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The Himalayas - where earth meets sky
Indian Himalayas - Kashmir

General info
The Kashmir valley is perhaps the single most famous part of theIndian Himalayas. Kashmir is a seemingly impossible touristcliche. Scores of books, pamphlets, and brochures have beenwritten about the region, and movies and documentaries made, butthe reality far exceeds the expectations and nothing that hasbeen said about it quite prepares one for the enchantment of theplace. Often called "The Paradise on Earth", Kashmir is, orrather was, a real Shangri-La.
What makes Kashmir so special? (Real Audio)
What makes Kashmir so special?

(Download Realplayer)

In the high snows ... mountaineering opportunities in the Himalayas excite even professionals. Credit: KOA
In the high snows...
mountaineering opportunities in the Himalayas
excite even professionals.

Credit: KOA
Kashmir has been involved in a political controversy ever sincethe independence of India, with parts of it under the illegaloccupation of Pakistan and China. In the last few years, this hasled to heightened tension, militancy and disruption of peace inthe region. One can only hope that the problems will be solvedby the respective national governments and Kashmir will regainits former glory.

Administratively, the Kashmir valley, or the Valley, is part ofthe Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir that rises in tiers fromthe plains to encompass mountainous terrain, high altitudevalleys and plateaus. To the south, below the outer hills, liesthe district of Jammu. To the northeast lies the stark and eerilybeautiful district of Ladakh. But to most people, Kashmir is theValley itself, enclosed in a magnificent amphitheater of mountainranges.

Summer in Kashmir - a play of colors. Credit: KOA
Summer in Kashmir - a play of colors
Credit: KOA
According to geologists, Kashmir was earlier a huge lake calledthe Karewa, which was formed by the blocking of the Jhelum riverby the rising Pir Panjal range in one of the periodic phases ofHimalayan uplift. The river finally escaped by forming a deep cutacross the Pir Panjal range at Uri. The waters of the Karewa weredrained, leaving behind the valley of Kashmir. Paleontologistshave in fact reported discoveries of coral and other marinefossils at great heights in the region.

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