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Kinnaur himalayas

General Info
 ·  The Satluj Saga
 ·  The Story of the Baspa

 ·  Valleys
    ·  Hangrang valley
    ·  Ropa valley
    ·  Bhaba valley

 ·  Other places of interest
    ·  Nilchar
    ·  Kalpa and Peo
    ·  Pooh
    ·  Moorang

Climate and Vegetation

 ·  Kinners
    ·  Traditions and Culture
    ·  Livelihood
 ·  Villages in Kinnaur

 ·  Hinduism
 ·  Buddhism
   Superstitions and Beliefs

Fairs and Festivals

Art and architecture


The Himalayas - where earth meets sky
Indian Himalayas - Kinnaur

Superstitions and beliefs
The people of Kinnaur are superstitious and have many religious beliefs. It is widely believed that caves, mountain tops and passes are inhabited by spirits and other supernatural beings. People believe in evil spirits such as ghosts, rakshas, khunkch.

Shrikhand Mahadev Range. Credit: Karamjeet Singh
Shrikhand Mahadev Range.
Credit: Karamjeet Singh
It is believed that Banchir, the ghost who lived in the forest of kailtree (blue pine), can assume the shape of a ghost man, jackal or money and is believed to be a very cruel spirit. A man who commits sins during his lifetime turns into a ghost known as rakshas and it is thought that he will never gain salvation. Khunkch is believed to be a house spirit which can be passed onto another house by selling one's animals or marrying one's daughter. A puja is done to ward off evil spirits.

Most homes in Kinnaur have horns of domestic animals hung on the main door of the house. This is believed to bring good luck.

Dreams too have a great influence on the imagination, superstitions and beliefs of the people.

When setting out for an important job, seeing an empty vessel is considered inauspicious. Success is indicated if a full vessel or bucket of water is seen. The cat is believed to be a bad omen.

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