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News on US-Cuban Relations


Newspaper PictureClinton Softens Embargo
President Clinton weakened the embargo on Cuba somewhat.  Cuban President Fidel Castro responded angrily, demanding fair treatment, not charity.

Newspaper PictureHelms Offers Money to Church
US Senator Jesse Helms offerred American aid to Cuba through the Catholic church.  The church denied the offer, as it has done in the past.

Newspaper PictureCuba Says US Poisoned Crops
The Cuban Government accused the US of spraying insects on Cuban crops in order to kill them.

Newspaper PicturePentagon's Report Cancelled
The Pentagon was about to issue a report suggesting that Cuba poses no threat to the United States.  However, it was cancelled for political reasons.

Newspaper PictureFirm Wants Cuban Vaccine in US
A British owned pharmaceutical firm has asked the US to allow it to import and test a Cuban vaccine for Meningitis B.

Newspaper PictureBusiness Group Calls For US Blockade To End
Business people, religous and political leaders have united in opposition to the US blockade.  They want to be able to send Cuba food and medicine.

Newspaper PictureCIA Admits Mistakes in Bay of Pigs Fiasco
The CIA has declassified its report on the Bay of Pigs.  In the report, the agency put itself at fault for not understanding the situation in Cuba.

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