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Copyright Agreement

The entire contents of The Cuban Experience site, with the below exceptions, is Copyright (c) 1998 by Team 18355.  All rights reserved.

Said exceptions to above copyright are as follows:
Intermediate Search search engine software used in the Search section.  Intermediate Search is provided on a freeware license from Fluid DynamicsREMOTE.
Licensed Photos from various individuals, who maintain full copyrights to said photos.

ALL OTHER RESOURCES, including but not limited to HTML layouts, text articles, graphics, photos, Java applets, CGI scripts are the full intellectual property of Team 18355 and as such are fully copyrighted by our team.  Redistribution, modification, or any other use of this site for commercial purposes is prohibited.  Advanced Networks and Services, Inc., as per ThinkQuest rules, is granted an irrevocable license to store and distribute this site and included files. 

ANY abuse of included forums for discussion and debate is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.  Abuse includes but is not limited to the following activities: posting inflamatory or obscene messages, or repeatedly posting messages in an effort to fill or "spam" the forums.

Continued use of this site constitutes full acceptance of the above terms and policies.

This entire site, except for licensed resources, Copyright (c) 1998 by Team 18355. All rights reserved. Continued use of this site constitutes acceptance of the terms and policies contained herein.