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Many people contributed to the development of this site; we would like to extend a sincere 'thank you' to them for their contributions.

Due to the large number of people and resources, we have separated the credits into several pages.

The first page is for companies that contributed to our site.  We greatly appreciate their contributions.

The next page gives credit to individuals who helped us with our site.  These people answered our questions and gave us information about Cuba.  Some also commented on our site and suggested improvements. 

We would also like to thank people who allowed us to use their photographs on this site.  Most of the photographs of Cuba found in this site were taken in Cuba by Team 18355, and are provided for free public use (so long as we are credited).  However, many also came from other sources.

We used many reference materials in doing our research.  Due to the abundance of such sources, those pages have been broken down as well.  There is a page for printed materials used in our research.  There are also seperate pages for CD-ROM articles and internet sources.

Lastly, there were a variety of technologies we made use of in building this site.  Without them, we couldn't have developed all the features that this site now offers.

This entire site, except for licensed resources, Copyright (c) 1998 by Team 18355. All rights reserved. Continued use of this site constitutes acceptance of the terms and policies contained herein.