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In creating this project, we spoke with and received help from many people.  Each listing contains a name, method of contact, and how the contact provided assistance.

Carlos.  Conversations.  Our Cuban tour guide, Carlos, told us much about daily life in Cuba as well as pointing out and describing many of the things we saw while in Cuba.  He did all the translating for us in our discussions with Cubans and also talked with us about problems Cuba is facing and progress it has made.

Daley, Larry<daleyl@peak.orgREMOTE>.  "RE: Cuban History."  4/13/98.  Research related email.  He gave us suggestions on what we should focus our research on and what topics were important to understanding Cuban history.

Debby.  Conversations.  Debby, working for the Global Exchange tour company, was one of our guides in Cuba.  She shared much information that she knew about Cuba with us that we were able to later use greatly.

Domínguez, Jorge<jidoming@fas.harvard.eduREMOTE>.  "RE: Cuba Web Site," "RE: Cuba Interview," "RE: Interview Questions."  Research related emails.  2/12/98, 4/13/98, 5/19/98.  Mr. Domínguez is a professor at Harvard University.  He teaches classes on Cuba and has written many books about Cuba.  We interviewed him to ask some questions about what Cuba is really like and what the future will bring.  The interview is available on this site in both video and text form.

Fernandez-Freyre, Carlos<cubaconspiracy@webtv.netREMOTE>.  "Include in your site on Cuba."  Research related email.  4/13/98.  He gave us suggestions on important people in Cuba's history that he felt should be included in our site.  His web siteREMOTE was also useful in creating this site.

Zradicka, David<wuta@tcel.comREMOTE>.  "Cuba," "RE: Cuba."  2/26/98, 2/27/98.  Research related email.  Mr. Zradicka's company works with Cuba daily and he gave us some pointers on how to do our research.  His web siteREMOTE contained useful links and he helped us find a print source with information about computers in Cuba.

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