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The Pope Visits Cuba

The Pope visited Cuba and was warmly welcomed by Cubans.  He gave several speeches regarding the US blockade and the Cuban Government.

Candadian PM Visits Cuba

The prime minister of Canada visited Cuba, meeting with Fidel Castro and condemning the US trade embargo.  Agreements were also made over Canadian property nationalized by the Cuban Government.

Anniversary of Che's Death Celebrated

The 30th anniversary of the death of Che Guevara, a Cuban revolutionary leader, was celebrated in Cuba.  Che died fighting in Bolivia, and is a hero to many people.

Exile Group's Plane Shot Down

A plane owned by Brothers to the rescue, an anti-Castro exile group, was shot down Cuban MiGs.  The group protested the act and the US Government also responded with a tightening of the embargo.

Clinton Softens Embargo

President Clinton recently modified the US' embargo against Cuba.  These changes  will primarily allow for greater humanitarian aid to Cuba.  Cuba President Fidel Castro was enraged by the action because he resents Cuba being treated like a charity case and desires equal treatment for the Cuban economy.

Helms Offers Money to Church

Senator Jesse Helms offered assistance to Cuba to be distributed by the Catholic church.  The church has never accepted such funds, and declined to do so.

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