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Newspaper PictureCanadians Boycott Florida
Showing their disapproval of the Helms-Burton Act, many Canadians plan to boycott products and services from Florida.

Newspaper PictureThe Bahamas Returns Refugees
The government of the Bahamas has returned Cuban refugees to their homes, sparing the Bahamas government the expense of housing them.

Newspaper PictureUS Bars Canadian Execs
In accordance with the Helms-Burton Act, the United States government denied visas to executives of the Canadian company Sherritt Int'l, on the grounds that it engages in trade with Cuba.

Newspaper PictureUS Loses United Nations Human Rights Vote
Despite pressure from the US, the United Nations voted against appointing a representative to investigate alleged Cuban human rights violations.

Newspaper PictureCanadian Prime Minister Asks Castro to Free Prisoners
The Prime Minister of Canada, during meetings with Fidel Castro, called for the release of four political prisioners held by the Cuban government.

Newspaper PictureNelson Mandela Criticizes US
On his trip to Africa, President Clinton spoke with Nelson Mandela.  Mandela, who Cuba assissted in his struggle, criticized the US blockade.  

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