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Cuban Exiles News

Many Cubans who have come to the US disapprove of Castro's government, preferring our system of capitalism.  Many of those who fled in 1959 were from very wealthy, established families.  Exile groups exist for many reasons and have varied goals, but many share a strong determination to do whatever possible to bring about Castro's fall. 

Because of their strong activism, and generally extreme views, Cuban exile groups are a frequent source of news.


Newspaper PictureBrothers to the Rescue Plane Shot Down
A plane owned by Brothers to the Rescue, an anti-Castro exile group that picks up people leaving Cuba on rafts, was downed by Cuban MiGs.

Newspaper PictureLivan Hernandez Helps Win World Series
Livan Hernandez, only a few years after defecting from Cuba, was a star player in the Florda Marlins' World Series victory.  He was named MVP.

Newspaper PictureJorge Mas Canosa, CANF Head, Dies
The powerful leader of the Cuban American National Foundation died.  He opposed any discussion with the Cuban Government, and hoped to overthrow it and become Cuba's leader.

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