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Internet Sources

In creating this site, we used hundreds of web sites, one newsgroup, and one gopher directory containing information on Cuba.  Ineviatbly, a few of these resources may no longer be available, but it should be possible to access most of them.  All of those currently available are listed below.  Some sites may not have provided all bibliographic information as per ThinkQuest guidelines; such information is provided where possible. All dates refer to our first use of the resource.

Gopher Directories:

  1. "Castro Speech Database."  1996.  [gopher://].  (March, 1998)


  1. "Cuba Newsgroup."  1998.  [soc.culture.cuba].  (May, 1998)

Web Sites:

  1. González, Servando.  "Fidel Castro Supermole."  1996.  [].  (April, 1998)
  2. "Yahoo - Fidel Castro."  1998.  [ itics/Fidel_Castro/].  (May, 1998)
  3. Llanos, Miguel.  "Religion Runs Through Castro's Life."  MSNBC.  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  4. "Castro Speech Database."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  5. "The Web Site for the Republic of Cuba."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998)
  6. "Granma."  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  7. "Radio Havana Cuba."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  8. "Cuba Embargo."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998)
  9. Cawthorne, Andrew.  "Cuba is the Freest Nation in the World."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  10. "CANFNET."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  11. "Cuba Program Page."  1998.  [].  (June, 1998).
  12. "Cuba Project."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998).
  13. "The Cuba Briefing Paper Series."  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  14. "The Downing of the Planes -- An Attempt to Provide Context."  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  15. "Workers World: Defend Socialist Cuba."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998)
  16. "The True Reason for American Involvement in Cuban Affairs."  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  17. "Email to Cuba."  1998.  [].  (June, 1996).
  18. "Jovenes Clubs de Computacion."  1998.  [].  (June, 1996)
  19. "Batista y Zaldívar, Fulgencio."  1998.  [ ty=1&vo=2E&ti=0587e000].  (May, 1998)
  20. "Alonso, Alicia."  1998.  [ ty=1&vo=15&ti=027a1000].  (May, 1998)
  21. "Cuba."  1998.  [ ty=1&vo=25&ti=047d6000].  (March, 1998)
  22. "Columbus, Christopher."  1998.  [ ty=1&vo=23&ti=04279000&pq=inchristopher+columbus].  (May, 1998)
  23. "Bay of Pigs Invasion."  1998.  [ ty=1&vo=08&ti=00e3d000].  (May, 1998)
  24. "Castro, Fidel."  1998.  [ ty=1&vo=1A&ti=03232000].  (March, 1998)
  25. "Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeyevich."  1998.  [ ty=1&vo=2F&ti=05a87000].  (May, 1998)
  26. "Grau San Martín, Ramón."  1998.  [ ty=1&vo=0C&ti=015d7000].  (May, 1998)
  27. "Havana."  1998.  [ ty=1&vo=34&ti=063ce000].  (May, 1998)
  28. "Kennedy, John Fitzgerald."  1998.  [ ty=1&vo=33&ti=062c4000].  (March, 1998).
  29. "Machado y Morales, Gerardo."  1998.  [ ty=1&vo=09&ti=00fe7000].  (May, 1998)
  30. "Cuban Missile Crisis."  1998.  [ ty=1&vo=39&ti=06F5A000].  (May, 1998)
  31. "Martí, José Julian."  1998.  [ ty=1&vo=21&ti=04028000].  (May, 1998)
  32. "Roosevelt, Theodore."  1998.  [ ty=1&vo=0f&ti=01bc4000].  (March, 1998)
  33. "Santiago de Cuba."  1998.  [ ty=1&vo=1A&ti=03219000].  (May, 1998)
  34. "Seven Years' War."  1998.  [ ty=1&vo=31&ti=05e91000].  (March, 1998)
  35. "Spanish-American War."  1998.  [ ty=1&vo=1F&ti=03a9f000].  (May, 1998)
  36. Wood, Leonard.  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  37. "Cuba News."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  38. "Excite Travel Cuba."  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  39. "Lonely Plant - Destination Cuba."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998)
  40. "HeraldLink - Cuba."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  41. "Cuba's Divided Soul."  MSNBC.  1998.  [].  (May, 1998).
  42. "Search."  The New York Times.  1998.  [].  (June, 1998)
  43. "WashingtonPost.Com - WorldReference."  Washingotn Post.  1998.  [ untry/cuba.htm].  (June, 1998)
  44. "The World Factbook."  1998.  [ ].  (March, 1998)
  45. "Excite Travel - Havana."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  46. "POSTNet."  St. Louis Post.  1998.  [].  (March, 1998)
  47. "Workers World - Cuba Under Attack."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  48. "The Spanish-American War."  1998.  [ war.htm].  (March, 1998)
  49. "Chronology - Cuba."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  50. Williford, Brad.  "The Cuban Revolution of 1895-1898."  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  51. "Glory to the Cuban Revolution."  1997.  [].  (May, 1998)
  52. "Cuba."  1998. [ ml].  (March, 1998)
  53. Fernandez, Frank.  "CUBA - The Anarchists & Liberty."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  54. Fernandez-Freyre de Andrade, C.  "History of Cuba."  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  55. "Cuba Libre."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998)
  56. Hunter, Mark.  "The Bay of Pigs Invasion."  1996.  [].  (April, 1998)
  57. Cutler, Christopher. "The Island of Cuba."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  58. "Subject Index."  Library of Congress. [1998.].  (March, 1998)
  59. "Historical Study B-64."  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  60. "Statistics - Cuba."  1998.  [].  (June, 1998)
  61. "Online Newshour - The Pope's Visit to Cuba."  1998.  [ 1-26.html].  (April, 1998)
  62. "Yahoo - Cuba."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998)
  63. Klee, Peter.  "Cuba Internet Resources."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998)
  64. "Cuba Campaign - Cuba Links."  Cuba Program.  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  65. "Cuba Megalinks."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  66. "Cuba - LANIC."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998)
  67. "Cuba Solidarity Web Links."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  68. "Welcome to MapQuest."  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  69. "Cuba Museum Guide."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  70. "Cuban Culture and Entertainment."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998).
  71. "Cuba."  Graphic Maps.  1998.  [ ml].  (May, 1998)
  72. "Museums: Cuba."  1998.  [].  (June, 1998)
  73. "CubaFest LA."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998)
  74. "Attaching RealAudio Files to Web Pages."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  75. "Fidel Biography."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998)
  76. "Gamelan."  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  77. "The Perl Language Home Page."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  78. "Brothers to the Rescue."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998)
  79. "The VRML Repository."  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  80. Bregman, Jay.  "US-Cuba Relations."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  81. "President's Statement on Cuba."  1996.  [].  (March, 1998)
  82. Marquis, Christopher and Oppenheimer, Andres.  "Clinton Cut Spying on Cuba."  1996.  [].  (June, 1998)
  83. "Máximo Gómez Baez."  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  84. "1492 - Christopher Columbus."  1998.  [ html].  (May, 1998)
  85. "Russian Che Guevara Page."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  86. Peterlinz, Brian.  "What is it about Che?"  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  87. "The Wild Geese Today - The Story of Erin's Exiles."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998)
  88. Krook, Dan.  "Ernesto Che Guevara."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  89. Aurelio de la Vega.  "Poems by José Martí."  1996.  [].  (May, 1998)
  90. "Pagina Poetica."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998)
  91. "Versos Sencillos de José Martí."  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  92. "Modernism and Avant-Garde Literature of Latin America."  1996.  [].  (May, 1998)
  93. "José Julián Martí y Pérez."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998)
  94. Aurelio de la Vega.  "José Martí."  1997.  [].  (April, 1998)
  95. "José Martí's Birth Place."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  96. "José Martí - Cartas y Discursos."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998)
  97. "William McKinley."  1998.  [].  (April,1998)
  98. "Biography of Theodore Roosevelt."  1997.  [].  (May, 1998)
  99. "Antonio Maceo's Birthplace."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  100. "Antonio Maceo Grajales."  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  101. "Theodore Roosevelt."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998)
  102. "Theodore Roosevelt Letter on Cuba."  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  103. "Theodore Roosevelt's Birthplace Home Page."  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  104. "Butcher."  1998.  [ html].  (April, 1998)
  105. "William Howard Taft."  1998.  [ ml].  (March, 1998)
  106. "Leonard Wood."  1998.  " _4/lwood.htm].  (March, 1998)
  107. "General Valeriano Weyler."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  108. "Reconcentration Policy."  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  109. Anders, Jon.  "Cuba Budget Travel Report with Pictures."  1998.  [].  (April, 1998)
  110. King, Emory.  "Emory King Writes About His Trip To Cuba."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998)
  111. Overby, Mary.  "Photographs of Cuban People & Places."  1997.  [].  (May, 1998)
  112. "Cuba."  1998.  [].  (March, 1998).
  113. "Cuba, Portrait of a Nation. Photo Collection."  1998.  [].  (May, 1998)
  114. "Post Cards and Photos."  1998.  [].  (June, 1998)
  115. Ruggenberg, Rob.  "Cuba as it is."  1997.  [].  (May, 1998)
  116. "CubaWeb."  1996.  [].  (March, 1998)
  117. "Yahoo - Cuba - Recreation and Sports."  1998.  [ eation_and_Sports/Travel/].  (May, 1998)
  118. "Yahoo - Cuba - Cities."  1998.  [ s/].  (March, 1998)
  119. "CGI Resources."  1998.  [].  (June, 1998)
  120. "US Embargo and Healthcare in Cuba."  1997.  [ care_970805.html].  (May, 1998)
  121. "Cuban Operation."  1998.  [ a/ig_report/images/Cuban_Operation.htm].  (March, 1998)
  122. "The Business Library."  1996.   [].  (March, 1998)
  123. "Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity Act of 1996."  1998.  [ NR:].  (June, 1998)
  124. "Cuba Exports."  1998.  [ /CUB.html].  (June, 1998)
  125. "LiberalNet: Cuban Embargo Regulations by OFAC."  1998.  [ html].  (March, 1998)

This entire site, except for licensed resources, Copyright (c) 1998 by Team 18355. All rights reserved. Continued use of this site constitutes acceptance of the terms and policies contained herein.