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January, 1998

A coalition to end the U.S. ban on selling food and medicine to Cuba is arguing its case to the U.S. Government.

The group includes business people, religious leaders, and some government leaders as well.  Their coalition is called Americans for Humanitarian Trade With Cuba.

One member of the group is John Sheehan, a retired US General who helped during the flow of 40,000 refugees to the Guantanamo Naval Base.  "We can no longer support a policy which causes suffering of the most vulnerable - women, children and the elderly.  It is time for us to correct this policy and its unintended effects on the innocent people of Cuba," Sheehan stated.

The group says the ban is entirely useless in achieving its purpose, and is starving the Cuban people.

There was disagreement from some right-wing Cuban-American members of Congress.  They feel the blame for Cuba's conditions should be placed on the Cuban Government, not that of the US.

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