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Thursday, June 21
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wrkcampToday is day four.  Your first stop will be at an international work camp.  People from all over the world come there to pledge their solidarity with Cuba.  In it you will do some work in the citrus fields.


cooperaAfter that, you will talk with the President and another worker at a farming cooperative.  These cooperatives are a recent creation and the farmers are doing well on them.

hschooThen you will visit the Che Guevara High School.  You will meet with the students and staff and see what subjects they are learning.


musofhumYou can also stop by the Museum of Humor.  It was the first of its kind in Latin America and contains many cartoon strips and figurines dating far back.

lasterrThe last stop of the day is Las Terrazas.  This small community participated in a huge reforestation program after the Revolution.  Before that, it had almost no trees.

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