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Wednesday, June 20
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botjarThis is the third day of your tour.  Your first stop today will be the botanical garden.  This beautiful garden is only a short drive from Havana.


greenhouIn the botanical garden, you can visit the greenhouse.  The greenhouse contains many plants from all over the world, including Cuba.

expocubaAfter you are done at the garden, ExpoCuba awaits across the street.  Up throughout the year, this show displays the accomplishments Cuba has made in all of its industries.


strofembNext, you will return to the city to view the street of embassies.  Many different countries have Cuban embassies along this street.  Most of them are larger buildings than are found elsewhere and fly the flag of their nation.

ussmainememThe last event of the day is the memorial to the USS Maine.  It remembers the 260 American soldiers who died aboard the ship.  Now, however, the memorial is in a slightly different form than when it was originally constructed.

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