Buddhism Dukpa migrants from Dardistan were the earliest settlers in
Ladakh. They occupied the lower reaches of the Indus River --
the tract being popularly known as Sham -- which is separated
from upper Ladakh by the Kongkha Pass. They brought with them
the form of Buddhism that was prevalent in Dardistan at that
time. |
 | Buddhist monks blow on long traditional horns as partof their ritual Credit: Discover India magazine | Another form of Buddhism came into Ladakh with the Mons (of
Aryan origin), who came from Kulu and settled in the Rong area
with Gya as its capital. Towards the close of the lOth century,
another wave of settlers came to Ladakh, this time from Tibet,
and brought with them the Mongolian form of Buddhism, which
later became the dominant element in the religious life of the
people of Ladakh. Thus, Buddhism in its present form came from
Tibet where it had been preached by Indian teachers.