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Ladakh himalayas

General Info

 ·  Villages
 ·  Valleys and plateaus
 ·  Lakes
 ·  Passes
 ·  Glaciers
 ·  Rivers

 ·  People

 ·  Religion
    ·  Islam
    ·  Buddhism
    ·  Lamaism
        ·  Hemis Gompa
        ·  Structure
        ·  Religious ceremonies
        ·  Kushoks

 ·  Fairs and festivals
 ·  Other places of interest

The Himalayas - where earth meets sky
Indian Himalayas - Ladakh

Gompas, also known as monasteries, are a natural offshoot of the institution of Lamaism. In other parts of India, they are known as viharas, a place where monks live and worship. By tradition, each gompa has a fixed number of monks, although this number may vary.

Gompa with prayer flags. Credit: Discover India
Gompa with prayer flags
Credit: Discover India
Many gompas have been established in Ladakh. The largest gompa in Ladakh is the Hemis Gompa, which houses 390 lamas. A total of 100 villages from the surrounding areas are associated with this gompa.

The next largest gompa is the Thiksay Gompa, which has 180 lamas and 25 villages attached to it.

Other prominent gompas include Likir Gompa, Phyang Gompa, Spituk Gompa and Lamayaru Gompa.

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