Civilizations: Egypt
first signs of “true” cultures have been found in the Qadan
sites (13,000 - 9,000 BC) in Upper Egypt where there are traces
of ritual burials and cemeteries. From the grinding stones
found in the digs, it seems that agriculture was already being
practised. The large number of remains of people who died
violently seems to show that these were troubled times, when
there was possibly a shortage of food, or an invasion.
5000 BC, Egypt was beginning to take on the appearance of
the Ancient Egypt which most people know. People no longer
lived mainly from hunting, but kept livestock, and grew wheat
as well as barley in their fields.
tools and leather were used. Ritual burials were common and
the dead were buried in places away from the village and the
fields, as if they were afraid of the dead. Food, artifacts
and jewellery were put into the graves for the journey to
the afterlife, and the bodies faced west towards the setting
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