Civilizations: Egypt
or the Nile Valley, has been inhabited by early humans since
about 700,000 years ago. So Ancient Egypt is much more ancient
than most of us believe it to be. Stone tools dating back
to that period can be found near Abu Simbel close to where
the temple to Ramses II was later built.
the millennia these stone age people slowly evolved, so that
by 500,000 years ago they were using stone axes, and by 150,000
BC they were living in structures like houses, with a dome
made of hides or grass held down with a circle of stones over
a flat sandstone foundation. These dwellings could be taken
down and moved easily, and were probably used by nomadic people.
100,000 years ago these people had evolved and had developed
much more efficient stone tools, especially spear tips, which
made it possible for them to hunt better. Early humans spread
into almost every habitable part of North Africa. By 30,000
BC the climate was getting drier and people were forced to
live closer to the river and so there was a blend of different
cultures. They settled along the Nile and gave up their nomadic
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