Arab Republic of Egypt
is a nation like no other, an ancient land that joins two
continents. It has a great importance not only in the Arab
world, but in the continent of Africa and in the world.
was the cradle of a magnificent culture which flowered three
thousand years before Christ. It came under the influence
of Greece and Rome, before being converted to Islam in 639
AD. After a few centuries as first a French and then a British
colony, it gained its independence in 1951-1952.
1952 a military coup d’etat by General Neguib overthrew the
monarchy, but the “Free Officers Movement” soon became so
radical that in 1954 Colonel Abd’el Nasser took over the reins
of power. The personality and work of this man profoundly
changed the evolution of the country. Known as the “Rais”
he attacked what was left of capitalism in his country. He
became, together with Tito of Yugoslavia and Nehru of India,
one of the leaders of the non-alligned countries. He also
tried to form the United Arab Republic with Syria, but the
experiment only lasted three years.
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