Transitive Government of Ethiopia
were huge protests in Addis Abbaba during the social and economic
crisis which followed. The army took power in 1974and the
emperor was deposed. The army declared itself in favour of
a socialist government, and in 1975 the banks were nationalised.
This was followd by a radical land reform which collectivised
all agricultural land. This brutal revolution, coming from
above without the involvement of the masses, threw the country
into chaos.
followed, and Eritrea rebelled in 1975. The rebellion was
crushed with over 2000 summary executions in the Eritrean
capital of Asmara. Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam took power
in 1977. His brutal Marxist dictatorship was overthrown by
the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF)
in May 1991.
for the Transitional Government were held in June 1992. A
new Constitution was adopted in December 1994. The new Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia came into being in August
1995, appointing Dr Negasso Gidada as President. A border
dispute flared into war in May 1998 between Ethiopia and Eritrea
and as a result the United Nations adopted an arms embargo
on the two countries. New elections will take place in 2000.
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