Transitive Government of Ethiopia
most ancient empire in the world, which goes back thousands
of years, came to an end on the 12th of September 1974. Ethiopia
passed without any transition phase from a feudal, mediaeval
state to “building socialism”.
meeting point of many peoples, ancient Abyssinia was also
the seat of the legendary Queen of Sheba which goes back to
the 10th century before Christ. Later history is little known
until the 17th century Kingdom of Gondar. Ethiopia managed
to avoid colonial conquest - an attempt by Italy was stopped
at Adua in 1889. In 1928 a young feudatory landlord, Ras Taffari,
took power and became the emperor Hailé Selassié. He reigned
for 46 years. He fought at the United Nations for the cause
of his country which had been invaded by fascist Italy. In
fact, the Italian invasion lasted only six years from 1935
to 1940. At the end of the war, Ethiopia took control over
Eritrea, which was eventually absorbed.
the war, the monarchy did nothing to transform the country
which was still tied to the past.
birth of a new middle class in the cities, however, brought
things to breaking point between the feudal forces and those
looking towards the future. The causes of the conflict were
the famine of 1973 and the inability of the authorities to
do anything about it.
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