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Ladakh himalayas

General Info

 · Villages
 · Valleys and plateaus

 · Lakes
     Tso Morari
    · Pangong
    · Lake Kyaghr

 · Passes
 · Glaciers
 · Rivers

 · People
 · Religion
 · Fairs and festivals
 · Other places of interest

The Himalayas - where earth meets sky
Indian Himalayas - Ladakh

Tso Morari Lake
The Tsomorari lake is one of the largest lakes in Ladakh region and isalmost like an inland sea, Situated at an elevation ofabout 4900m, this lake has a length of about 22 kms, width varying from5 to 7 kms and a depth of more than 30 m at thedeepest point.

Tsomorari Lake Frozen in December. Credit: Karamjeet Singh
Tsomorari Lake Frozen in December.
Credit: Karamjeet Singh
The lake is probably a leftover fromthe ice age, formed by the meltwaters of the ice masses leftbehind by the retreating glaciers. The waters from thesurrounding areas drained into the lake. The huge amounts ofwater present at the outset evaporated very fast in the desert-like atmosphere and what had been initially freshwater becamebrackish and finally salty. The water is unfit for humanconsumption. In winter the surface of the Tsomorari Lakefreezes and it is possible for animals and human beings to walkover it. Karzok is situated near this lake.

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