Group Roles

Lead HistorianOhio State Monitor headline, 1918.
The lead historian takes charge of organizing the research for their group's particular assigned segment. While the majority of the research will be the responsibility of the lead historian, it is not the sole responsibility of the lead historian.

The lead historian will also assign and monitor the research activities of the other members. The lead historian will collect, categorize and filter the information that he/she and the other production team members collect. The lead historian will also keep records of the sources consulted for the segment. Finally, the compilation of the final Works Consulted list using MLA format will be his/her responsibility.

Main responsibilities:

  • Collection of historical data related to and relevant to the group's segment.
  • Assignment of research activities to other group members:
    • It is also expected that the lead historian ensure that a variety of resources (book, periodical, encyclopedia, Internet, etc.) are being used in the data collection process by all group members.
    • The lead historian should also hold the other group members accountable for their efforts and ensure that the information collected is cited properly and of the highest possible quality.
  • Verification of the accuracy of the collected data.
  • Organization, collection, categorization of historical data acquired by other group members.
  • Ensure that the information collected is presented in a clear and organized manner for inclusion in the final documentary.
  • Compilation of the final Works Consulted documents (submitted in a written format in addition to appearing at the end of the final production) using proper MLA citation.
  • Serve as a resource when needed in the other areas of production.

Media Specialist
As the media specialist, you will focus on acquiring the raw multimedia materials for inclusion in the PowerPoint documentary being produced by your group. The multimedia materials collected will include: pictures, graphics, audio and possibly video. Materials may be scanned in from print sources (scanning is your responsibility, see your teacher for assistance if needed).

There will be a folder created on the common Y:/ drive (teacher's name>>period #>>segment title) in which other members of your group will submit materials for your collection, sorting and cataloging. It is recommended that you back-up all of the submitted materials to your own X:/ drive to ensure that none of the materials are lost or tampered with. You should keep an accurate record of the materials available and consider renaming any file names which are confusing for ease of use by the PowerPoint engineer. It is expected that you will play a significant role in the creation of the PowerPoint presentation and should assist the PowerPoint engineer during final production.

Main responsibilities:

  • Collection of multimedia resources (mostly acquired via the Internet, scanning, etc.).
  •  Categorization and cataloging of multimedia resources.
  • Organization of multimedia collected by other members of the production team:
    • The media specialist should also hold other group members accountable for their efforts and also ensure that group members are assisting in the collection of multimedia files. All of the materials collected should be authentic and of the highest quality.
  • Backing up of all multimedia materials to the X:/ drive.
  • Serve as a production assistant to the PowerPoint engineer in the production of the final presentation.
  • Serve as a resource when needed in the other areas of production.

PowerPoint EngineerMining engineers ca. 1890-1910.
The PowerPoint engineer will focus on the actual construction of the group's segment. The engineer will need to communicate with the other members of the group to ensure that the final product reflects the input of all members. The engineer will also work very closely with the media specialist to obtain the multimedia materials to be used in the creation of the final presentation, and to gain assistance in the final stages of production. It will be essential that the engineer begin the framework of the presentation as soon as possible (even while the other members are still researching information and acquiring materials) to ensure that the presentation is ready by the given deadline. The engineer will oversee the narration of the voice-over for inclusion in the final presentation and work with the other members of the group during the recording process (refer to the provided PowerPoint guide for assistance or get the instructor's aid if needed).

Main responsibilities:

  • Take the lead in the use of the PowerPoint program to create the documentary segment:
    • Utilization of materials acquired by the Media Specialist

    • Animation of the presentation so that it will run automatically.

    • Recording narration voice-over for the group's presentation.

  • Direct other group members when they are providing assistance with the production of the documentary's PowerPoint slides and narration.
  • Solicit input from other group members to ensure that all ideas and opinions are considered in the final production.
  • Work closely with the Media Specialist so that the collected multimedia materials are effectively incorporated into the final PowerPoint presentation.
  • Works closely with the Segment Producer on the production of the segment's narration.
  • Serve as a resource when needed in the other areas of production.

Segment ProducerChildren waiting outside of a Texas movie theater in 1903.
The segment producer is mainly responsible for ensuring that a timetable for the production is set and adhered to by the group. This task involves the coordination of the entire team's efforts and overseeing many aspects of the planning and production phases. A key role of the segment producer will be also be designing, writing and editing the voice-over narration script for the final production. The segment producer in effect manages the production and keeps the group on-task during all stages of production. The segment producer will also be responsible for acting as liaison between the group and the instructor, if and when problems or concerns arise. The segment producer will be involved in all areas of the assignment, assisting in research, multimedia collection, and the final PowerPoint production and narration recording.

Main responsibilities:

  • 1. Manage the group's efforts during all phases of the production process. In order to do this, the segment producer will need to be aware of the roles and responsibilities of the other group members:
  • Set a production timetable for the timely completion of the assignment.
  • Ensure that group members are meeting the goals established by the timetable.
  • Oversee the individual and cooperative efforts of all group members to be sure that they are meeting their assigned responsibilities:
    • A written record of attendance and daily activities must be maintained, which will be used when the group determines its member's individual grades.
    • Write summaries or "Rushes" on group progress at assigned intervals to be handed in (TBA).
    • Coordinate the group's assignment of individual grades based on the evaluation of the group segment.
  • Inspire the group members to act cooperatively and effectively as a team.
  • Coordinate the creation of the narration voice-over for the PowerPoint production segment:
    • Utilize all members of the group in the authoring of the voice over.
    • Edit the final text of the voice over for content and style.
    • Establish the role of each group member for the final recording of the voice-over narration.
  • Coordinate the creation of the study guide for the PowerPoint production segment:
    • Utilize all members of the group in the authoring of the study guide.
    • Include a relevant primary source document, or ask questions about one that appears in the production segment.
    • Edit the final text of the study guide for content and quality.
  • Voice the group's concerns, problems and needs to the instructor.
  • Serve as a resource when needed in the other areas of production.










©1998-2001 Thomas Caswell and Joshua DeLorenzo