Online Resources

OHS Online Writing Guide: Citation Guides (T. Caswell & B. Richardson, Oswego High School)-Provides information regarding appropriate MLA citation.

AltaVista Photo Finder (AltaVista)- A media specialist's dream come true! This site provides a quick way to search for photos and images relevant to your group's segment. This resource can provide historical political cartoons, photographs, and other visual sources of information.

American Memory: Historical Collections for the National Digital Library (Library of Congress)- The Library of Congress' web site devoted to presenting its ever-growing collection of digital records to the public. Users can search for materials by key word, time period, and by media type (i.e., photos and prints, documents, motion pictures, maps, and sound recordings).

Prints Old & Rare: Thomas Nast (Prints Old & Rare)-Contains a small selection of Nast's political cartoons, including a few that focus on Tamany Hall. (HarpWeek, LLC)-A web site dedicated to Thomas Nast and his political cartoons that were featured in Harper's Weekly.

Central Pacific Railroad: Photographic History Museum (CPRR Museum)-An incredible treasure trove of historic photographs relating to the development of railroads. Includes pictures of Chinese immigrants laying track.

Immigrant and Ethnic America (HarpWeek, LLC)-Includes political cartoons by Thomas Nast and articles that appeared in Harper's Weekly. Topics include: culture; labor; anti-Chinese movement; politics; China and the world; ethnic comparisons; and immigration in different regions of the United States. 

Child Labor in America: 1908-1912 (The History Place)- An archive of photographs by Lewis W. Hine dealing exclusively with child labor.

Primary Source Materials of the Gilded Age (Scott Nelson, William and Mary)- A collection of electronic primary source materials from 1866-1901, including fiction, non-fiction, presidential writings, and much more. Authors include: Horatio Alger; Andrew Carnegie; Herbert Spencer; and many others.

How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis (TenantNet)- An electronic hypertext edition of How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis. This site contains the complete text of the original book with many scanned photos and sketches based on Riis' original photographs as well.

Websites for the Gilded Age and Progressive Era (Robert W. Cherny, San Francisco State University)- An organized collection of links which include: primary source materials, photographs, and other Internet-based reference resources. Organized by topic and theme (within the general era of 1865-1915).

Labor-Coal Mining in the 19th Century (Ohio State)- A specific resource for lessons on the experience of coal miners during the Gilded Age and Progressive Era. This site features personal accounts, and primary source photographs as well as other materials.

The Gilded Age and the Politics of Corruption (University of Wisconsin)- A review outline of lectures from a 102-level introductory history course at the University of Wisconsin. This is lecture #4 and begins the 5 part series on the Gilded Age. These serve as excellent review materials (with photos, primary sources, etc.) as well as brief overviews of many topics (e.g., biographies of Gilded Age business leaders).

The American Experience: Andrew Carnegie (PBS)- A web site about Andrew Carnegie, including: his life, a timeline, actions, successes, philanthropy, etc.

John D. Rockefeller & the Standard Oil Company (Francois Micheloud)-An outline of a book that focuses on the life and times of Rockefeller and his infamous oil company.









©1998-2001 Thomas Caswell and Joshua DeLorenzo