Ellis Island1. Consult the grading rubric to make sure you create the best possible documentary. 
2. Each member of the group conducts research in order to contribute materials essential to the production of your group's segment. Research should incorporate a variety of resources including text and review books, materials from the Media Center, as well as Internet resources. A list of all of the research sources will be kept so that it can be incorporated into a written and PowerPoint slide-based Works Consulted list using proper MLA citation.
3. Divide up the four roles among your group members.
4. Access the web page for your specific role listed in the Group Roles section. There, you will find a thorough description of your role and the responsibilities associated with it.
5. Organize the group's research and prepare it for use in the segment study guide and PowerPoint presentation.

6. Prepare a study guide and script to use for the narration in your documentary.

7. Construct your group segment collaboratively using PowerPoint.
8. Edit and fine tune your segment before submitting it to the teacher.
9. Preview the assembled documentary (including all five segments), using the study guides.
10. Each group will assign individual grades based on the work of each member, and the teacher's evaluation of the group segment.










©1998-2001 Thomas Caswell and Joshua DeLorenzo