
Individual Grading
While cooperation and team work are key to this project, it is not uncommon for some group members to work to a lesser or to a greater degree than others. To address this concern, individual grades will be determined based on the points earned by the segment, and based on the group's evaluation of each of its members.

The segment producer will keep a record of the daily attendance and activities of each An immigrant receives an eye examination. group member. After the group segment has been graded, the group will collaboratively determine the grade of each member of the group.

For example, if the group segment earns a total of 20/24 possible total points, or 83%, the group will need to decide how to fairly distribute 332 percentage points (83 project grade X 4 members) among the members of the group. Attendance, work ethic, and cooperation are some of the factors that a group should use in order to determine how many points to award to each member. If problems arise during this process that cannot be peaceably worked out by the members of the group, they should consult the teacher for assistance.

A sample individual grade distributions follows:

Total Group Grade = 20/24 or 83%. With 4 group members there are now 332 total points that can be assigned to each individual group member. For example:
Joe = 75%
Sally = 91%
Tom = 96%
Sue = 70%
Group Total = 332

Project Grading
As we discussed in class, a high-quality documentary has a certain look and feel to it, which we are going to try to emulate using PowerPoint. Based on the criteria that we developed in class, please keep the following grading rubric in mind as you collaboratively create your segment:



Factual Content-The information included in the documentary is accurate and relevant to the topic, and includes all of the required items listed on the Documentary Segments page.  
Use of Primary Sources-Several relevant primary sources (e.g., photographs, Supreme Court rulings, Federal legislation, personal accounts, etc.) have been used to provide information about the content contained in the documentary segment.  
Media Use-The sounds, images, animations, and slide transitions that are used are both relevant and purposeful.  
Organization-The documentary segment is organized in a logical manner, making it easy to understand the information that is being presented.  
Citation-The last slide of the PowerPoint presentation contains an MLA-style Works Consulted listing all of the resources used for this project (e.g., textbook, review book, web pages, etc.).  
Narration/Interview(s)-Narration and/or interview(s) are used as the primary means of transmitting information for the documentary. The narration and/or interview(s) are relevant and compliment the media selected for the documentary segment.  
Study Guide-The study guide acts as an outline of the documentary, providing students with a resource to review the material presented. The study guide should closely follow the presentation of the documentary.
Formatting-The segment maintains the formatting required to create a uniform class documentary (e.g., background color, font size, font type, font color, etc.) and is between 10 and 15 minutes in length.  

Total Points




Each of these criteria will be rated according to the following point scale:

Score Meaning
3 Excellent-This criteria has been met in every possible way, and may even exceed expectations.
2 Acceptable-This criteria has been mostly addressed, however, there is room for improvement.
1 Sub par-Some elements have been met, but most of the criteria fails to be addressed.
0 Incomplete-This criteria has not been addressed in any meaningful way or has not been completed.








©1998-2001 Thomas Caswell and Joshua DeLorenzo