to Glory: Trading Empires
has not been isolated from the rest of the world as many books
would have us believe. Cowrie shells from the Indian Ocean
dating back to about 5000 BC have been found in neolithic
tombs in Egypt as has obsidian. The Red Sea, and Gulf of Aden
coast was one of the earliest sea trade routes.
the Egyptians this land was know as the “Land of Punt (Incense)”,
and was important for the goods that it brought to Egypt and
much of the ancient Mediterranean world. Most of these exports
came from the interior of present day Ethiopia, and the coastal
areas of Somalia. Much of the trade occurred along the Red
Sea Coast, and the Gulf of Aden.
people of Punt exchanged myrrh, gold, ivory, ostrich feathers,
and animal hides in return for hatchets, daggers, necklaces,
and other goods that were in great demand. At first these
goods were taken to Egypt by overland routes, but these were
enduring journeys and traders faced costly taxes. By 2500
BC a new sea trade sprang up after the invention of a newer
much more efficient ship. The Egyptians began arriving to
the Puntite coast with their 60 oar ships and were now more
capable in their trade.
traders have sailed the African coast since the 7th century
AD, exchanging glass, spices, weapons and tools from China
and India for gold, ivory, rinoceros horn, slaves and animal
hides. Wherever a civilisation has sprung up, the small sailing
ships have soon found out and have been willing to act as
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