Africa in History
The misconception
about its size is based on the distortions of the Mercator
map which show the countries in the northern hemisphere as
being bigger than those in the Southern hemisphere. It is
actually many times bigger than all the colonial powers put
together who so carelessly took it to pieces in the last two
It consists
of about forty-five countries, not nations. These countries
were formed by statesmen sitting around tables in Europe,
holding rulers in their hands. They argued over who owned
what, and when they came to some agreement, they put their
rulers to the page and drew straight lines to indicate the
borders between one country and the next. It didn’t matter
to them that these lines sometimes ran right across nations,
or that sometimes hundreds of ethnic groups, speaking completely
distinct languages, were clustered into a single country.
What did
matter was who the country belonged to. If we look at a historical
atlas from 1950, we will see that there are large areas of
pink on the map - these belonged to Britain. Then there were
the green areas - usually France, purple for Portugal etc.
In other words, it was defined in European terms, and reflected
European political boundaries. No African points of reference
were used.
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