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This section will allow you to participate in our trivia contest.  The contest requires you to answer 40 multiple choice questions about Cuba.

The quiz covers all topics in this site, so familiriaze yourself with the material first.  You may know some questions off-hand, but don't count on it.  Every question in this quiz is answered somewhere in the site.

Once you are done answering the questions, submit the form.  Be sure to include your name and a working e-mail address so we can contact you if you win.

At the end of October, we will look through all of those who competed.  The winners will be the people who got the most questions right.  In the case of a tie, a series of more advanced questions will be given to the finalists. Please be aware that, in order to recieve your prize, you may be responsible for paying shipping costs.

The winners will receive one of several prizes.  There are books with CDs and a video about Conga Drumming and Afro-Cuban music.  These prizes were donated by Dancing HandsREMOTE.  There is also a T-shirt of Che Guevara, donated by the Cuba poster projectREMOTE.  Another lucky winner will receive Moon Publications'REMOTE Cuba Handbook.  Other prizes may be available as well.

Now that you are familiar with the rules, continue to the questions.

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