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Over the years, Americans' attitudes towards Cuba have changed greatly.  Today, most American oppose the current Cuban Government.

A recent poll found that only 4% of Americans have positive feelings about Cuban President Fidel Castro.

When asked about the embargo, nearly two thirds of all Americans said they support it.  However, these results may be skewed, since the question was asked in a typically biased way.

These feelings can probably be attributed to the type of information available in America.  Students in American schools are routinely taught the Cuban Government is bad, and the American media commonly mimics the government in its criticism of Cuba. 

The anti-Castro exile groups also have a powerful propaganda force, which is supported by the U.S. government.

However, the protests of Europe and Canada on Helms-Burton seem to have taken effect.  Nearly 3/4 of all Americans were against penalizing foreign companies working in Cuba.

Only 29% of Americans think that Cuba is a military threat to the United States, even though the Helms-Burton Act is partially justified on the basis that it is.

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