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All through the project, team members used email, IRC and ICQ frequently and exclusively to collaborate with one another. The team created a mailing list to brainstorm topic ideas, which was heavily used for the remainder of the project. Once the topic was decided, the team members researched and discussed online further to create the proposal concept.

snapshot Workload was split among team members according to content, programming, layout and designing. Like a good team, teammates shared one another's work. All members collaborated on researching and contacting sources. Preliminary designs (images) were uploaded to the ThinkQuest server for critique from the team, no matter where they were located. After various trials, a final layout was ready for translating to HTML. Most importantly, all the team members participated in crucial decisions throughout the project.

Content writing was shared, as were the final designing, photo retouching, cgi programming and nearly all aspects of the site. Flexibility in work sharing was crucial to the success of the site. Again, web page designs in nearly all the sections were criticized and modified according to suggestions made my members. Team members used frequent emails, discussion logs, uploaded files to the TQ site heavily, so that they could stay up-to-date in spite of their frequent traveling. Finally, August saw an incredible feat of collaboration - all three members, along with their coaches, worked very hard together round the clock to overcome time differences. Without the tremendous effort in August, the web site would not have been completed.

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