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the Living Knowledgebase

Help to build a living source of knowledge!

The Living Africa team would like to improve the content of the site and increase its value as an educational resource for users like you. The living KnowledgeBase is a global forum, which aims to be a dynamic collection of new and rich content. In this forum, visitors to the site are encouraged to share their experiences, stories, comments and even pictures with the global internet community. Here, you can start off discussions on any topics related to Africa, controversial or otherwise, within the relevant Living Knowledgebase. If your topic does not fall in any of the three categories listed below, you can leave your message in the visitor’s book. A unique feature of the living Knowledgebase is that you can upload your own pictures very easily and share it on a global public forum with people all over the world. The Living Africa team hopes that users like you will utilize the discussion areas to your benefit, and add to the existing content on this web site to make it a truly LIVING knowledge-base. This will enrich the educational value of the site both for yourself, and other people interested in Africa from around the world.

Pick any of the following sections of your Living Knowledgebase:

the people
the land
wildlife and national parks

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