Module Outline
Learning Pathway

Welcome to this core module on Assessing ICT integration. We hope that you will find this learning experience useful and interesting

The blog and portfolio

Throughout this module you will be making use of a blog a s part of your portfolio.


During this module always try to look for support when you have a problem by consulting the following resources, preferably in this order:
  • use tips on the CD (available from the Tipsheets menu and the Search button)
  • consult colleagues at your school who may be doing the same module
  • send a message to your group
  • consult colleagues and friends who have previous experience of ICT planning
  • send a message to your tutor
How to proceed

The Module Outline for this module will give you an idea of the layout of the module. You can also return to this map at any time to make your own way around the module. Click on Module Outline in the left hand margin of this page.


We suggest that you start by Activity 0 - Hello activity.

Assessing ICT Integration
Module Outline | Learning Pathway | Activities

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SchoolNet SA