Module Outline
Learning Pathway
Purpose and outcomes


The purpose of this module is to consider a range of assessment tools and techniques that link the processes and outcomes with learning in your curriculum using ICT as a supportive tool to enhance learning.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the principles of the curriculum relating to assessment;

  2. Understand how to assess the contribution of ICT to the process of learning;

  3. Justify the use of certain assessment methods for specific purposes;

  4. Assess outcomes relating to the integration of ICT;

  5. Use a variety of assessment methods in a learning programme;

  6. Design and use assessment tools for a variety of purposes;

  7. Identify and use online resources to develop a unit of work that is integrated with ICT;

  8. Design an assessment plan for a unit of work relating to national curriculum principles.

Assessing ICT Integration
Module Outline | Learning Pathway | Activities

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