Module Outline
Learning Pathway

Module requirements

Previous experience

You should have the basic ICT competence as required for this qualification. You will be able to benefit from this module if you are able to relate what you learn to previous experience in ICT integration with classroom teaching, although this experience is not a requirement.

Module requirements

Once you have completed the module, we will ask you to complete a short self-assessment form, based on the outcomes of the module.

Click here to view the self-assessment form.

We will also ask you to complete a brief evaluation form.

Click here to view the module evaluation form.

Web access

In order to participate in this module you will need access to a computer that is linked to the Internet. You will also be required to communicate with your group and tutor via e-mail.

You will also require Web access in the latter part of this module and you should make allowances for the cost of online time at that stage.


In this module your assessment will be weighted as follows:

Component Allocation
Assignment 1 20%
Assignment 2 20%
Assignment 3 40%
Group collaboration 10%
Personal reflection in your blog 10%


Assignment 1: Evaluating the influences of current or past assessment practice

This assignment is to be completed once you have completed Activity 1.

What to do:

Use the self-assessment survey and the learner survey to evaluate your assessment practice and the learners' perceptions of your assessment practice.

Using this document template provide:

  • A summary of the survey results and reasons for the assessment methods and tools that you use. (20)
  • Analyse and give reasons for the difference/similarity in your own and your learners' view of your assessment practice. (20)
  • Evaluate your assessment practice in the light of curriculum principles. (20)
  • Outline the changes in assessment practice that you think are most important to implement. Alternatively, justify why you think that your assessment practice is completely appropriate. (40)


Assessment criteria for Assignment 1

You have described and explained the reasons for your current assessment practice


Maximum of 20

You have described and analysed your and your learners' comparative responses, and discussed reasons for discrepancies


Maximum of 20

You have evaluated your assessment practice in the light of curriculum principles


Maximum of 20

You have provided a plan of action for changes in your assessment practice or a justification for your current practice to remain unchanged


Maximum of 40



What to submit:

Save the template and replace Country with your country name and YourName with your name

e.g. If you are in Antigua and Barbuda and your name is Joan Armstrong: Antigua_Module 4 _Joan_Armstrong_Assignment1

Submit this saved document as a file attachment in email to with the subject heading "Assignment1".

Assignment 2: Create formative assessment tools for ICT integration

This assignment is to be completed once you have completed Activity 5.

What to do:

In this assignment you will focus on fine-tuning formative assessment tools that you can use in the classes where you integrate ICT. You will be required to create and submit 5 assessment tools.

1. Design 5 formative assessment tools that you or your colleagues (teachers) could use in the learning environment. (50)

Use these 5 templates (either use a word processor or a spreadsheet) for the assignment:

  • Assessment tool 1 Word
  • Assessment tool 2 Word
  • Assessment tool 3 Word
  • Assessment tool 4 Word
  • Assessment tool 5 Word

2. Be sure to focus on assessing the processes and products of ICT integration but also include the assessment of learning objectives. Each assessment tool must include at least one aspect of ICT integration and at least one learning objective. (10)

Assessment Criteria for Assignment 2


You have created 5 formative assessment tools. The criteria in the assessment tool are clearly formative in that they provide the learner with clear expectations of what is required to succeed.


Maximum of 30

Your assessment tools fulfill the basic requirements of assessment tools. Each tool includes assessment of both learning objectives and aspects of ICT integration (not ICT skills as such).


Maximum of 20

Each tool reflects some aspect of ICT integration, amongst other criteria


Maximum of 10



What to submit for assignment 2:

Save the templates and replace Country with your country name and YourName with your name.

e.g. If you are in Grenada and your name is Joan Armstrong:
Grenada_Module4_Joan_Armstrong_Assignment2-2 etc

Then compress all 5 documents in a Zip file and name it in a similar way i.e.


Submit the saved Zip file as a file attachment in email to with the subject heading "Assignment2".


Assignment 3: Implementing an assessment strategy  

This assignment is to be completed once you have completed Activity 8. You will benefit if you have completed all the activities in this module before attempting this assignment.

Use this assignment template

What to do:

In this assignment you will develop a full unit of work that includes the integration of ICT. The portfolio of work that you will submit for the assignment should include:

  • Unit plan outline that includes an indication of how ICT has been integrated
  • A complete assessment strategy for the unit as a whole. The assessment plan is Section C of the unit plan template (30 + 10))
  • Three completed assessment tools. All assessment tools must include reference to some aspects of ICT integration. (You can re-use the tools from assignment 2) (20)
  • A reflection, written at the end of the unit plan, of the success of the assessment strategy. (20)
  • A descriptopin of what changes you will make next time. (20)


Assessment criteria for Assignment 3

You have created an assessment strategy


Maximum of 30

You have described the implementation of the unit


Maximum of 10

You have applied the assessment strategy to learner's work, and provided the learner sample and assessment tools


Maximum of 20

You have reflected on the success of the assessment strategy


Maximum of 20

You have described the changes that you have made to your strategy as a result of the reflection


Maximum of 20



What to submit:

Save the three assessment tools using file names similar to the assignment template e.g. If you are in Antigua and Barbuda and your name is Joan Armstrong:

Antigua_Module4_Joan_Armstrong_Assignment3-1 (and 3-2 and 3-3)

Then, for your final submission, compress the three assessment tools and the assignment unit plan template in a Zip file and name it in a similar way i.e.

Submit the saved Zip file as a file attachment in email to with the email subject heading "Assignment3".

Assessing ICT Integration
Module Outlinep | Learning Pathway | Activities

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