IntelAssessing Projects : Using Assessment to Improve Teaching and Learning

Purposes of Assessment | Types of Assessment | Formative Assessment | Assess Thinking | Successful Assessment

Project Design


Overview and Benefits

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Assessment Plans

Assessment Strategies



Browsing Assessments
Searching Assessments
Modifying Assessments
Copying Traits or Items
Creating Asessments
Managing Personal Library
Exporting Assessments


Using the Assessing Projects Application
Ms. Sohn, a Grade 3 teacher, is planning a project on simple machines. She wants her learners to collaborate with a partner classroom in another province to investigate simple machines in their environments and share simple machines they have designed. They plan to create a wiki for publishing learner work on the Internet. During this project, she is going to focus on the 21st Century skills of self-direction and collaboration. Ms. Sohn uses the Assessing Projects Application to create her assessments as follows:

  • While brainstorming ideas for her project, she browses the Assessment Library to see what kinds of assessments are available that relate to what she wants learners to learn in the project.
  • She then searches the Assessment Library for assessments on self-direction, collaboration, and simple machines.  
  • She finds a self-direction rubric and a collaboration checklist that she would like to use in her project, but first she needs to modify them to fit the specific project.  
  • In the past, Ms. Sohn has had success with a rubric she uses to assess learner publishing using wikis. She would like to save it to her Teacher Workspace, so she uses the application to create this assessment from scratch.  
  • Ms. Sohn wants her assessment to address 21st Century skills. She uses the Quick Search feature to copy traits from other assessments and add them to her wiki rubric.  

After Ms. Sohn creates a few assessments, she organizes them by managing her Personal Library.  

To add graphics and other design features, and to share her assessments with her colleague in the partner classroom, Ms. Sohn exports her assessments to her desktop and uses the e-mail feature to share her resources. 


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