Session 3 Activity 2
2 Hours 30 Minutes

Paradigm Shift

We are going to look at examples of past Innovative Teachers Awards entries, some good and some less inspiring.

To focus your thinking more we will have a look at the judging criteria more closely and explore ways in which each can be realised. Follow the links for more information about the criteria, some guidelines and links to project descriptions.

Also explore to what extent each teacher is operating outside of your "box" of current practice. What do you think you can do to adopt their ideas as a springboard for your own innovative practice? .

Task 1: Thinking Out of the Box (2 hours)

  1. Work with your Thinking Partner.
  2. Review the examples given in the links listed below. In each case, explore how the teacher either has thought out of the box, or could think out of the box more to improve the activity
  3. Click here to open the Out of the Box Examples worksheet.
  4. Record your observations and thoughts as you discuss each example.

Task 2: Discussion (30 minutes)

  1. Share your findings with the larger group.