Tasksdesigned by Wendy
Rubric states:
"Tasks are appropriately challenging, requiring learners to participate actively and manage tasks efficiently. There is a logical progression from activity to activity within the innovation".

This refers to pedagogy (how learning is led) which is a planning challenge for the teacher. How does the teacher keep the learners active and challenged? How can the process be more learner-centred?


The Rise of Li'Ttledot
Our Environment


  • Good innovative projects are learner-centred
  • Learner-centred means that learners are:
    • taking responsibility
    • directing themselves and each other
    • making decisions
    • driving content / learning pathways
    • creating content
    • engaging with each other
    • engaging in the dialogue of assessment with themselves, their peers and the teacher
  • Scaffolding (learner support documents) provides clear structure, and thereby a logical progression to the project